Ezechiele 1:16

16 L’aspetto delle ruote e la loro forma eran come l’aspetto del crisolito; tutte e quattro si somigliavano; il loro aspetto e la loro forma eran quelli d’una ruota che fosse attraversata da un’altra ruota.

Ezechiele 1:16 Meaning and Commentary

Ezekiel 1:16

The appearance of the wheels, and their work, [was] like unto
the colour of a beryl
Which is a precious stone; see ( Exodus 28:20 ) ( Revelation 21:20 ) ; the Syriac version renders it a chrysolite; the Arabic, a jasper; and so may denote the preciousness, glory, and excellency of the churches, and the true members of them, which are as jewels and pearls of great price in the esteem of Christ; and the colour of this stone being a sea green, from whence it has here the name of "tarshish", a word sometimes used for the sea, may signify the fluctuating and uncertain state of the churches in this world, and in their present circumstances: and they four had one likeness:
this shows that there were four wheels, and that they were all alike, as the true churches of Christ are; they are alike gathered out of the world, and consist of the same sort of persons, true believers in Christ; they profess the same faith; they have the same officers and ordinances; keep up the same discipline, and are under the same form of government, and have all the same power and authority: and their appearance and work [was] as it were a wheel in the middle of
a wheel;
not as if one wheel was comprehended and included in another; for then one must be lesser than another; whereas all the wheels were alike, as for form, so for size; but the work or make of them was in a transverse way, or cross way; just as two hoops may be put together cross ways, and so form four semicircles, and these a globe or sphere; hence this wheel is called (lglg) , "an orb" or "globe", in ( Ezekiel 10:13 ) ; and it was on those four semicircles that the four faces of the ox, the man, the lion, and eagle, were engraved; the reason of their being wrought in this form was, for the motion of them; as follows:

Ezechiele 1:16 In-Context

14 E gli esseri viventi correvano in tutti i sensi, simili al fulmine.
15 Or com’io stavo guardando gli esseri viventi, ecco una ruota in terra, presso a ciascun d’essi, verso le loro quattro facce.
16 L’aspetto delle ruote e la loro forma eran come l’aspetto del crisolito; tutte e quattro si somigliavano; il loro aspetto e la loro forma eran quelli d’una ruota che fosse attraversata da un’altra ruota.
17 Quando si movevano, andavano tutte e quattro dal proprio lato, e, andando, non si voltavano.
18 Quanto ai loro cerchi, essi erano alti e formidabili; e i cerchi di tutte e quattro eran pieni d’occhi d’ogn’intorno.
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