Giovanni 12:26

26 Se uno mi serve, mi segua; e là dove son io, quivi sarà anche il mio servitore; se uno mi serve, il Padre l’onorerà.

Giovanni 12:26 Meaning and Commentary

John 12:26

If any man serve, me
Or is willing to be a servant of Christ, and to be esteemed as such;

let him follow me;
as in the exercise of the graces of love, humility, patience, self-denial, and resignation of will to the will of God, and in the discharge of every duty, walking as he walked, so in a way of suffering; for as the master, so the servants, as the head, so the members, through many tribulations, must enter the kingdom; to which he encourages by the following things:

and where I am;
in heaven, as he now was, as the Son of God; or "where I shall be", as the Syriac and Persic versions render it, even as man, in the human nature, when raised from the dead:

there shall also my servant be;
when he has done his work, and the place is prepared for him, and he for that, and where he shall ever abide; and as a further encouragement, he adds,

if any man serve me, him will [my] Father honour;
by accepting his service, affording him his gracious presence here, and by giving him eternal glory hereafter, to which he has called him.

Giovanni 12:26 In-Context

24 In verità, in verità io vi dico che se il granello di frumento caduto in terra non muore, riman solo; ma se muore, produce molto frutto.
25 Chi ama la sua vita, la perde; e chi odia la sua vita in questo mondo, la conserverà in vita eterna.
26 Se uno mi serve, mi segua; e là dove son io, quivi sarà anche il mio servitore; se uno mi serve, il Padre l’onorerà.
27 Ora è turbata l’anima mia; e che dirò? Padre, salvami da quest’ora! Ma è per questo che son venuto incontro a quest’ora.
28 Padre, glorifica il tuo nome! Allora venne una voce dal cielo: E l’ho glorificato, e lo glorificherò di nuovo!
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