Isaia 36:15

15 né vi faccia Ezechia riporre la vostra fiducia nell’Eterno, dicendo: L’Eterno ci libererà di certo; questa città non sarà data nelle mani del re d’Assiria.

Isaia 36:15 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 36:15

Neither let Hezekiah make you trust in the Lord
Hezekiah trusted in the Lord himself, and he endeavoured, both by his own example, and by arguments, to persuade his people to do so likewise; of this Rabshakeh was sensible, and was more afraid of this than of any thing else, and, therefore laboured this point more than any other; see ( 2 Chronicles 32:6-8 ) ; saying, the Lord will surely deliver us, this city shall not be
delivered into the hand of the king of Assyria:
which he might say with the greatest confidence, since the Lord had promised to defend it, ( Isaiah 31:5 ) and especially if his sickness, and recovery out of it, and promises then made to him, were before this, as some think; since it is expressly promised by the Lord, that he would deliver him and the city out of the hand of the king of Assyria, ( Isaiah 38:6 ) .

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Isaia 36:15 In-Context

13 Poi Rabshake si levò in piedi e gridò con forte voce in lingua giudaica: "Ascoltate le parole del gran re, del re d’Assiria!
14 Così parla il re: Ezechia non v’inganni, perch’egli non vi potrà liberare;
15 né vi faccia Ezechia riporre la vostra fiducia nell’Eterno, dicendo: L’Eterno ci libererà di certo; questa città non sarà data nelle mani del re d’Assiria.
16 Non date retta ad Ezechia, perché così dice il re d’Assiria: Fate la pace con me, arrendetevi, e ciascun di voi mangerà della sua vite e del suo fico, e berrà dell’acqua della sua cisterna,
17 finch’io venga a menarvi in un paese simile al vostro: paese di grano e di vino, paese di pane e di vigne.
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