Isaia 40:19

19 Un artista fonde l’idolo, l’orafo lo ricopre d’oro e vi salda delle catenelle d’argento.

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Isaia 40:19 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 40:19

The workman melteth a graven image
Or, "the founder"; he melts some sort of metal, as iron, brass, copper, or lead, which he casts into a mould for an image, and afterwards graves, or gets it graved: and the goldsmith spreadeth it over with gold;
or, "the finer"; he stretches out plates of gold, and covers it with them, so that it looks as if it was made of solid gold, and deceives the eyes of men; such stupidity and vanity are there in mortals to believe that there can be deity in such a piece of workmanship! and casteth silver chains to put about the graven image,
either for ornament, or rather to fasten it to some wall or pillar, that it may stand upright, and may not be taken down and stole away, or blown down with the wind, or fall of itself and be broken; thus ridiculing the weakness of these idols, and the folly of the makers and worshippers of them. The Targum is,

``the silversmith joins silver chains to it.''

Isaia 40:19 In-Context

17 Tutte le nazioni son come nulla dinanzi a lui; ei le reputa meno che nulla, una vanità.
18 A chi vorreste voi assomigliare Iddio? e con quale immagine lo rappresentereste?
19 Un artista fonde l’idolo, l’orafo lo ricopre d’oro e vi salda delle catenelle d’argento.
20 Colui che la povertà costrinse ad offrir poco sceglie un legno che non marcisca, e si procura un abile artista, che metta su un idolo che non si smova.
21 Ma non lo sapete? non l’avete sentito? Non v’è stato annunziato fin dal principio? Non avete riflettuto alla fondazione della terra?
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