Isaia 49:22

22 Così parla il Signore, l’Eterno: Ecco, io leverò la mia mano verso le nazioni, alzerò la mia bandiera verso i popoli, ed essi ti ricondurranno i tuoi figliuoli in braccio, e ti riporteranno le tue figliuole sulle spalle.

Images for Isaia 49:22

Isaia 49:22 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 49:22

Thus saith the Lord God
In answer to the questions, where had these children been? and from whence did they come? who begot them, and brought them up? and by what means was all this done, or would be done? I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles;
beckoning them to come unto him, directing and ordering them what to do; or rather exerting the power of his grace in the conversion of them. The Targum is,

``I will reveal my power among the Gentiles;''
his efficacious grace attending the ministry of the word, whereby it becomes "the power of God unto salvation"; for when that hand is lifted up or exerted, the "word" comes "not in word only", "but in power, and in the Holy Ghost", and is effectual to saving purposes: and set up my standard to the people;
meaning Christ, "the ensign of the people"; who, in the ministration of the Gospel, is set up as a standard, to gather persons to him, as an ensign or standard is set up by a general of an army to collect soldiers to him, to come and enlist, and fight under his banners; see ( Isaiah 11:10 Isaiah 11:12 ) : and they shall bring thy sons in their arms;
or, "bosom" F19; such as are regenerated by the Spirit and grace of God, under the word, are to be tenderly dealt with by the ministers of the Gospel, as they are by Christ, ( Isaiah 40:11 ) and to be encouraged to come and join themselves to the church, and be directed and assisted by them in that service: and thy daughters shall be carried on their shoulders;
meaning the same as before, only perhaps weaker converts, dealing with them according to their infirmities; carrying them with as much ease, care, and tenderness, as young children are carried on the shoulders of their parents or others. It may be these expressions are designed to show how assisting and encouraging the Christian Gentiles will be to the Jews, when converted in their several countries, both to admit them into Gospel churches, and bring them into their own land; see ( Isaiah 66:19 Isaiah 66:20 ) .

F19 (Nuwxb) (en kolpw) , Sept. "in gremio", Tigurine version; "in sinu", Munster, Montanus. But Ben Melech interprets it "the arm".

Isaia 49:22 In-Context

20 I figliuoli di cui fosti orbata ti diranno ancora all’orecchio: "Questo posto è troppo stretto per me; fammi largo, perch’io possa stanziarmi".
21 E tu dirai in cuor tuo: "Questi, chi me li ha generati? giacché io ero orbata dei miei figliuoli, sterile, esule, scacciata. Questi, chi li ha allevati? Ecco, io ero rimasta sola; questi, dov’erano?"
22 Così parla il Signore, l’Eterno: Ecco, io leverò la mia mano verso le nazioni, alzerò la mia bandiera verso i popoli, ed essi ti ricondurranno i tuoi figliuoli in braccio, e ti riporteranno le tue figliuole sulle spalle.
23 Dei re saranno tuoi balii, e le loro regine saranno tue balie; essi si prostreranno dinanzi a te con la faccia a terra, e leccheranno la polvere de’ tuoi piedi; e tu riconoscerai che io sono l’Eterno, e che coloro che sperano in me non saranno confusi.
24 Si strapperà egli il bottino al potente? e i giusti fatti prigioni saranno essi liberati?
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