Matteo 26:16

16 E da quell’ora cercava il momento opportuno di tradirlo.

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Matteo 26:16 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 26:16

And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him.
] Luke adds, "in the absence of the multitude", ( Luke 22:6 ) ; in the most private manner, when he was alone, and in some solitary place, that no tumult might arise, and that there might be no danger of a rescue: for so he, and the chief priests, had consulted, and settled it, as what would be most prudent and advisable; and therefore, from that time forward, being prompted on by Satan, and the lucre of the money he was to receive, he narrowly watched, and diligently observed, the best and most fitting season to perform his enterprise, and quickly offered.

Matteo 26:16 In-Context

14 Allora uno dei dodici, detto Giuda Iscariot, andò dai capi sacerdoti e disse loro:
15 Che mi volete dare, e io ve lo consegnerò? Ed essi gli contarono trenta sicli d’argento.
16 E da quell’ora cercava il momento opportuno di tradirlo.
17 Or il primo giorno degli azzimi, i discepoli s’accostarono a Gesù e gli dissero: Dove vuoi che ti prepariamo da mangiar la pasqua?
18 Ed egli disse: Andate in città dal tale, e ditegli: Il Maestro dice: il mio tempo è vicino; farò la pasqua da te, co’ miei discepoli.
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