Matteo 26:4

4 e deliberarono nel loro consiglio di pigliar Gesù con inganno e di farlo morire.

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Matteo 26:4 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 26:4

And consulted that they might take Jesus by subtlety
The Jews had often attempted his life, but he escaped out of their hands; they had sent officers to apprehend him, but to no purpose; they therefore meet and consult together, to form some scheme, and make use of some stratagem, that they might lay hold on him, and keep him; they were for doing this in the most private manner they could:

and kill him;
not with their own hands, nor privately; but their scheme was to apprehend him privately, by some secret artifice, and then deliver him to the Roman governor; to put him to death according to law, publicly, for crimes they had to charge him with; hereby ( Psalms 2:2 ) , had its accomplishment, at least in part.

Matteo 26:4 In-Context

2 Voi sapete che fra due giorni è la Pasqua, e il Figliuol dell’uomo sarà consegnato per esser crocifisso.
3 Allora i capi sacerdoti e gli anziani del popolo si raunarono nella corte del sommo sacerdote detto Caiàfa,
4 e deliberarono nel loro consiglio di pigliar Gesù con inganno e di farlo morire.
5 Ma dicevano: Non durante la festa, perché non accada tumulto nel popolo.
6 Or essendo Gesù in Betania, in casa di Simone il lebbroso,
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