Matteo 26:44

44 E lasciatili, andò di nuovo e pregò per la terza volta, ripetendo le medesime parole.

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Matteo 26:44 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 26:44

And he left them, and went away again
At some little distance from them; they being so overpowered with sleep, that he could have no conversation with them:

and prayed the third time;
as the Apostle Paul did, when under temptation, he prayed thrice that it might depart from him, ( 2 Corinthians 12:8 ) ,

saying the same words:
the Arabic version renders it, "in the words which he before expressed"; and Munster's Hebrew Gospel reads, "he said the same prayer"; not in the selfsame words, or in the express form he had before delivered it; for it is certain, that his second prayer is not expressed in the same form of words as the first: but the sense is, that he prayed to the same purpose; the matter and substance of his prayer was the same, namely, that he might be exempted from suffering; but if that could not be admitted of, he was desirous to be resigned to the will of his heavenly Father, and was determined to submit unto it.

Matteo 26:44 In-Context

42 Di nuovo, per la seconda volta, andò e pregò, dicendo: Padre mio, se non è possibile che questo calice passi oltre da me, senza ch’io lo beva, sia fatta la tua volontà.
43 E tornato, li trovò che dormivano perché gli occhi loro erano aggravati.
44 E lasciatili, andò di nuovo e pregò per la terza volta, ripetendo le medesime parole.
45 Poi venne ai discepoli e disse loro: Dormite pure oramai, e riposatevi! Ecco, l’ora e giunta, e il Figliuol dell’uomo è dato nelle mani dei peccatori.
46 Levatevi, andiamo; ecco, colui che mi tradisce è vicino.
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