Matteo 26:50

50 Ma Gesù gli disse: Amico, a far che sei tu qui? Allora, accostatisi, gli misero le mani addosso, e lo presero.

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Matteo 26:50 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 26:50

And Jesus said unto him, friend
Not in an ironical and sarcastic way, but because he pretended to be his friend, by saluting and kissing him, in the manner he had done; or rather, because Christ had always used him as his friend, his familiar friend, who had been of his councils, and had ate at his table; and therefore this carried in it something very cutting, had Judas had any conscience, or sense of gratitude:

wherefore art thou come?
The Ethiopic version reads, "my friend, art thou not come?" that is, art thou come as my friend? is thy coming as a friend, or as an enemy? if as a friend, what means this company with swords and staves? if as an enemy, why this salutation and kiss? or what is thine end in coming at this time of night? what is thy business here? thou hast left my company, and my disciples, what dost thou do here? The Syriac version reads it, "to that"; and the Arabic, "to this art thou come?" to kiss me, and by a kiss to deliver me into the hands of my enemies? to which agrees what is said in Luke, "Judas, betrayest thou the son of man with a kiss?" ( Luke 22:48 ) . This he said, to let him know he knew him, and therefore he calls him by name; and that he knew his design in kissing him, and that what he was doing was against light and knowledge; he, at the same time, knowing that he was the son of man, the true Messiah.

Then came they, and laid hands on Jesus, and took him;
that is, the multitude, the Roman band, the captains and officers of the Jews, when Judas had given the sign; though not till Christ had given them a specimen of his power, in striking them to the ground; to let them know, that Judas could never have put him into their hands, nor could they have laid hold on him, had he not thought fit to surrender himself to them. The seizing and apprehending him is related by Luke and John as after the following circumstance; though the Ethiopic version here reads, "they lift up their hands, and did not lay hold on the Lord Jesus".

Matteo 26:50 In-Context

48 Or colui che lo tradiva, avea dato loro un segnale, dicendo: Quello che bacerò, è lui; pigliatelo.
49 E in quell’istante, accostatosi a Gesù, gli disse: Ti saluto, Maestro! e gli dette un lungo bacio.
50 Ma Gesù gli disse: Amico, a far che sei tu qui? Allora, accostatisi, gli misero le mani addosso, e lo presero.
51 Ed ecco, un di coloro ch’eran con lui, stesa la mano alla spada, la sfoderò; e percosso il servitore del sommo sacerdote, gli spiccò l’orecchio.
52 Allora Gesù gli disse: Riponi la tua spada al suo posto, perché tutti quelli che prendon la spada, periscon per la spada.
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