Matteo 26:54

54 Come dunque si adempirebbero le Scritture, secondo le quali bisogna che così avvenga?

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Matteo 26:54 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 26:54

But how then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled
That is, should Christ make such a request to his Father, and he should grant it, and an host of angels should be sent to rescue him, and he should be rescued by them; how then should the Scriptures, which speak of Christ's being taken, and led as a lamb to the slaughter, and of his various sufferings, and the circumstances of them, have their accomplishment? "declaring", as the Arabic version supplies, or as the Ethiopic version, "which say",

that thus it must be;
that the Messiah must be apprehended, and suffer, and die. The several parts of the sufferings of the Messiah are foretold in the writings of the Old Testament; the spirit of Christ, in the prophets, testified before hand of them; as that he should be reproached and despised of men, ( Psalms 22:6-8 ) ( Isaiah 53:3 ) , be spit upon, smote, and buffeted, ( Isaiah 1:5 Isaiah 1:6 ) ( Micah 5:1 ) , be put to death, ( Psalms 22:15 ) ( Isaiah 53:12 ) , and that the death of the cross, ( Psalms 22:15 Psalms 22:16 ) ( Zechariah 12:10 ) , and be buried, ( Isaiah 53:9 ) , and also the several circumstances of his sufferings, which led on to them, or attended them; as the selling him for thirty pieces of silver, ( Zechariah 11:12 Zechariah 11:13 ) , the betraying him by one of his familiar friends, ( Psalms 41:9 ) , the seizing and apprehending him, and which is particularly referred to here, ( Isaiah 53:7 Isaiah 53:8 ) , his disciples forsaking him, ( Zechariah 13:7 ) , and even his God and Father, ( Psalms 22:1 ) , his suffering between two thieves, ( Isaiah 53:12 ) , the parting of his garments, and casting lots on his vesture, ( Psalms 22:18 ) , the giving him gall and vinegar when on the cross, ( Psalms 69:21 ) , and not breaking any of his bones, ( Psalms 34:20 ) , yea, the Scriptures not only declared, that these things should be; but the necessity of them also, that they must be; because of the purposes and decrees of God, which are eternal, immutable, and unfrustrable; for as God had determined on his salvation of his people by Christ, and that through his sufferings and death, these were determined by him also, even the time, nature, manner, and circumstances of them; and which the Scriptures declare, and therefore must be likewise; and because of the covenant of grace, which is sure, unalterable, and unchangeable; in which Christ agreed to assume human nature, to obey, suffer, and die in it, and so do his Father's will, which was to bear the penalty of the law, and undergo the sufferings of death, and which therefore must be, or Christ's faithfulness fail. Moreover, on account of the law and justice of God, which required his bearing the curse, as well as fulfilling the precept of the law: and especially on account of the salvation of his people, which could not be effected without them, they must be. Christ, in these words, discovers a very great concern for the fulfilling of Scripture; and that because it is the word of God, which must not be broken; and because throughout it he is spoken of, in the volume of it, it is written of him, to do the will of God; even in the law of Moses, and in the Prophets, and in the Psalms: and besides, he was the minister of the circumcision, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers; and even agreeably to them, and upon the foundation of them, he had himself predicted his own sufferings: and as those were to be the rule of the faith and practice of his people in all ages, he was concerned for their accomplishment in every point; and which may teach us to value the Scriptures, and to be confident of the fulfilment of them in things yet future.

Matteo 26:54 In-Context

52 Allora Gesù gli disse: Riponi la tua spada al suo posto, perché tutti quelli che prendon la spada, periscon per la spada.
53 Credi tu forse ch’io non potrei pregare il Padre mio che mi manderebbe in quest’istante più di dodici legioni d’angeli?
54 Come dunque si adempirebbero le Scritture, secondo le quali bisogna che così avvenga?
55 In quel punto Gesù disse alle turbe: Voi siete usciti con spade e bastoni come contro ad un ladrone, per pigliarmi. Ogni giorno sedevo nel tempio ad insegnare, e voi non m’avete preso;
56 ma tutto questo è avvenuto affinché si adempissero le scritture de’ profeti. Allora tutti i discepoli, lasciatolo, se ne fuggirono.
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