Matteo 26:6

6 Or essendo Gesù in Betania, in casa di Simone il lebbroso,

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Matteo 26:6 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 26:6

Now when Jesus was in Bethany
Which was about fifteen furlongs from Jerusalem, ( John 11:18 ) , or about two miles from it. The time of Christ's death being at hand, he keeps nigh to Jerusalem, where he was to suffer and die, in the room and stead of sinners:

in the house of Simon the leper;
so called, to distinguish him from others of the name. This epithet was either a family one, some person of note in it having been a leper; or else he is so named, because he himself had been one, but was now cured; though the reason interpreters give for this, that otherwise he would not have been suffered to live in a town, is not a good one; for lepers, according to the Jewish F2 canons, were only forbid Jerusalem, and towns and cities that were walled round, and not others, such as the village of Bethany. There were many lepers healed by Christ, which, among other things, was an evidence of his being the Messiah, and a proof of his deity, and this Simon was one of them; whether the same mention is made of in ( Matthew 8:1 ) , is not certain, nor very probable; since that man lived in Galilee, at, or near Capernaum; this at Bethany, near Jerusalem: however, he was one of those lepers that had a sense of his mercy, and was grateful for it, as appears by his entertaining Christ at his house; and may teach us thankfulness to Christ, who has healed all our diseases; and particularly, the spreading leprosy of sin, with which all the powers and faculties of our souls were infected; and which was not in our own power, or any creature's, to cure, but his blood cleanses from it: and it may be observed, that Christ goes in and dwells with such whom he heals, and with such he is always welcome.


F2 Misn. Celim, c. 1. sect. 7. Maimon. Beth Hamikdash, c. 3. sect. 8.

Matteo 26:6 In-Context

4 e deliberarono nel loro consiglio di pigliar Gesù con inganno e di farlo morire.
5 Ma dicevano: Non durante la festa, perché non accada tumulto nel popolo.
6 Or essendo Gesù in Betania, in casa di Simone il lebbroso,
7 venne a lui una donna che aveva un alabastro d’olio odorifero di gran prezzo, e lo versò sul capo di lui che stava a tavola.
8 Veduto ciò, i discepoli furono indignati e dissero: A che questa perdita?
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