Matteo 26:68

68 dicendo: O Cristo profeta, indovinaci: chi t’ha percosso?

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Matteo 26:68 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 26:68

Saying, prophesy unto us, thou Christ
Not that they owned him to be the Messiah; but because he asserted himself to be the Messiah, and his followers believed in him as such, they call him so; and in an ironical and sarcastic way, call upon him to divine, and tell them who the persons were, that used him in this manner; suggesting, that if he was the Christ, or Messiah, he would know all things, and what were done to him:

who is he that smote thee?
for they had covered his face, or blindfolded him, as the other Evangelists say, ( Mark 14:65 ) ( Luke 22:64 ) , and then bid him tell them who smote him last. Christ did not think fit to give them an answer to this question, but he will let them know hereafter, who the particular person, or persons were, that smote him; and when it will appear to all the churches, and to all the world, that he is the Lord God omniscient. Some learned men have observed F1, that there was a play formerly used, called by the ancients, (kollabismov) , at which, one person having his face covered, the rest smote him; or one put his hands over his eyes, and another smote, and asked him who it was that smote? and such an exercise is yet in being among us, which is commonly called Blindman's Buff; and such pastime as this the Jews had with Christ; in this ludicrous way did they use him, and made him their sport and diversion, as the Philistines did Samson; but it will cost them dear another day.


F1 Braunii Select. Sacr. l. 5. Exerc. 2. sect. 38. p. 622, 623. & Capelt. in loc. e Polluce, l. 9. c. 7.

Matteo 26:68 In-Context

66 che ve ne pare? Ed essi, rispondendo, dissero: E’ reo di morte.
67 Allora gli sputarono in viso e gli diedero de’ pugni; e altri lo schiaffeggiarono,
68 dicendo: O Cristo profeta, indovinaci: chi t’ha percosso?
69 Pietro, intanto, stava seduto fuori nella corte; e una serva gli si accostò, dicendo: Anche tu eri con Gesù il Galileo.
70 Ma egli lo negò davanti a tutti, dicendo: Non so quel che tu dica.
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