Esdra 10:1-4

1 Or mentre Esdra pregava e faceva questa confessione piangendo e prostrato davanti alla casa di Dio, si raunò intorno a lui una grandissima moltitudine di gente d’Israele, uomini, donne e fanciulli; e il popolo piangeva dirottamente.
2 Allora Scecania, figliuolo di Jehiel, uno de’ figliuoli di Elam, prese a dire a Esdra: "Noi siamo stati infedeli al nostro Dio, sposando donne straniere prese dai popoli di questo paese; nondimeno, rimane ancora, a questo riguardo, una speranza a Israele.
3 Facciamo un patto col nostro Dio impegnandoci a rimandare tutte queste donne e i figliuoli nati da esse, come consigliano il mio signore e quelli che tremano dinanzi ai comandamenti del nostro Dio. E facciasi quel che vuole la legge.
4 Lèvati, poiché questo e affar tuo, e noi sarem teco. Fatti animo, ed agisci!"

Esdra 10:1-4 Meaning and Commentary


Upon Ezra's prayer and confession, it was proposed by Shechaniah, that those who had married strange wives should put them away with their children, which they swore to do, Ezr 10:1-5, and proclamation was made throughout the land for all to meet at Jerusalem in three days' time, and accordingly they did, Ezr 10:6-9 when, at the exhortation of Ezra, all agreed to it, and persons were appointed to see it done, and the work was finished in the space of three months, Ezr 10:10-17 and a list of the names of those is given who had married such wives, and now put them away; of the priests, Ezr 10:18-22, of the Levites, Ezr 10:23,24, of the other Israelites, Ezr 10:24-44.

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