Proverbs 2:16

16 You will be saved from the loose woman, from the adventuress with her smooth words,

Proverbs 2:16 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 2:16

To deliver thee from the strange woman
As the Gospel of Christ and its doctrines, or the instructions of wisdom, are a means of delivering persons from the evil man, his company, ways, and works; so from a naughty woman, an adulteress, called a "strange" woman; not because of another nation, or unknown, but because she belongs to another person, and not to him whom she entices into her embraces. Gersom interprets this of the sensitive appetite, and Jarchi of idolatry; as others do also of superstition and all false doctrine, and everything that is contrary to true wisdom; and the whole that is here and afterwards said may well enough be applied to the whore of Rome, from whose fornication, or spiritual adultery, that is, idolatry, will worship, and antichristian doctrines, the Gospel delivers men; see ( Proverbs 7:5 ) [even] from the stranger [which] flattereth with her words;
that useth smooth and soft words to work upon the passions, move the affections, and win the hearts of men; and ensnare them and draw them to commit wickedness with her; see ( Proverbs 5:3 ) ( 7:21 ) ; and so antichrist, and all false teachers and heretics, with good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple, ( Romans 16:18 ) .

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Proverbs 2:16 In-Context

14 who rejoice in doing evil and delight in the perverseness of evil;
15 men whose paths are crooked, and who are devious in their ways.
16 You will be saved from the loose woman, from the adventuress with her smooth words,
17 who forsakes the companion of her youth and forgets the covenant of her God;
18 for her house sinks down to death, and her paths to the shades;
Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1952 [2nd edition, 1971] by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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