1 Corintios 12:21

21 Ni el ojo puede decir á la mano: No te he menester: ni asimismo la cabeza á los pies: No tengo necesidad de vosotros.

1 Corintios 12:21 Meaning and Commentary

1 Corinthians 12:21

And the eye cannot say unto the hand
Every member of the natural body is useful and necessary. The eye, the seat of the sense of seeing, cannot say to the communicating and working hand, I have no need of thee:
I can do without thee: so the seers and overseers of the church, the ministers of the Gospel, cannot say to the liberal and munificent hands, we have no need of you; for as the one stand in need of the light, instruction, comfort, advice, and direction of the other, so the other stand in need of communication from them; and as God has made it a duty, that he that is taught in the word should communicate to him that teacheth in all good things; and as it is his ordinance that they which preach the Gospel should live of it; so he has generally ordered it in his providence, that they that teach should need such assistance: nor again the head to the feet,
I have no need of you. The head, which is the seat of the senses, and is superior to, and has the command and government of all the members of the body, cannot say to the lowest and most distant parts of it, the feet, you are needless and useless; so those that are set in the first place in the church, are over others in the Lord, and have the rule over them, cannot say to those that are under them, and submit unto them, even the lowest and meanest of them, that they are of no use and service to them; they can no more be without them, than the head can be without the feet, or than princes can do without subjects, or magistrates without citizens, or generals without soldiers.

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1 Corintios 12:21 In-Context

19 Que si todos fueran un miembro, ¿dónde estuviera el cuerpo?
20 Mas ahora muchos miembros son á la verdad, empero un cuerpo.
21 Ni el ojo puede decir á la mano: No te he menester: ni asimismo la cabeza á los pies: No tengo necesidad de vosotros.
22 Antes, mucho más los miembros del cuerpo que parecen más flacos, son necesarios;
23 Y á aquellos del cuerpo que estimamos ser más viles, á éstos vestimos más honrosamente; y los que en nosotros son menos honestos, tienen más compostura.
The Reina-Valera Antigua (1602) is in the public domain.
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