Isaías 9:17

17 Por tanto, el Señor no tomará contentamiento en sus mancebos, ni de sus huérfanos y viudas tendrá misericordia: porque todos son falsos y malignos, y toda boca habla despropósitos. Con todo esto no ha cesado su furor, antes todavía su mano extendida.

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Isaías 9:17 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 9:17

Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in their young men,
&c.] Take no delight and pleasure in them; but, on the contrary, detest and abhor them, and so destroy them, being depraved and corrupted by the bad instructions and examples of their parents: neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows;
who are objects of pity and compassion; yet these being wicked, as well as the fathers of the one, and the husbands of the other, shall be no more spared than they have been; so that this expresses both the general corruption and destruction of this people: for everyone [is] a hypocrite and an evildoer;
a hypocrite, as Aben Ezra on the place observes, is one that is outwardly good, and inwardly wicked; which was the general character of the people of Israel in Isaiah's time, as it was of the Jews in the times of Christ, see ( Matthew 23:25-28 ) they pretended to do good, but were doers of evil, workers of iniquity, continually committing sin; and yet would be thought to be very upright and sincere, both in their religion towards God, and in their dealings with men; but deceitful in both: and every mouth speaketh folly;
or falsehood; a lie, as the Targum, as all lies are foolish; as also all vain words, all impious ones; or the savour of irreligion or superstition, and indeed every idle word, and all unsavoury and corrupt speech, and there is particularly foolish talking, which is not convenient, ( Ephesians 5:4 ) : for all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand [is]
stretched out still;
which is repeated from ( Isaiah 9:12 ) . (See Gill on Isaiah 9:12).

Isaías 9:17 In-Context

15 El viejo y venerable de rostro es la cabeza: el profeta que enseña mentira, este es cola.
16 Porque los gobernadores de este pueblo son engañadores; y sus gobernados, perdidos.
17 Por tanto, el Señor no tomará contentamiento en sus mancebos, ni de sus huérfanos y viudas tendrá misericordia: porque todos son falsos y malignos, y toda boca habla despropósitos. Con todo esto no ha cesado su furor, antes todavía su mano extendida.
18 Porque la maldad se encendió como fuego, cardos y espinas devorará; y encenderáse en lo espeso de la breña, y serán alzados como humo.
19 Por la ira de Jehová de los ejércitos se oscureció la tierra, y será el pueblo como pábulo del fuego: el hombre no tendrá piedad de su hermano.
The Reina-Valera Antigua (1602) is in the public domain.