Mateo 24:13

13 Mas el que perseverare hasta el fin, éste será salvo.

Mateo 24:13 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 24:13

But he that shall endure to the end
In the profession of faith in Christ, notwithstanding the violent persecutions of wicked men; and in the pure and incorrupt doctrines of the Gospel, whilst many are deceived by the false teachers that shall arise; and in holiness of life and conversation, amidst all the impurities of the age; and shall patiently bear all afflictions, to the end of his life, or to the end of sorrows, of which the above mentioned were the beginning:

the same shall be saved;
with a temporal salvation, when Jerusalem, and the unbelieving inhabitants of it shall be destroyed: for those that believed in Christ, many of them, through persecution, were obliged to remove from thence; and others, by a voice from heaven, were bid to go out of it, as they did; and removed to Pella, a village a little beyond Jordan F21, and so were preserved from the general calamity; and also with an everlasting salvation, which is the case of all that persevere to the end, as all true believers in Christ will.


F21 Euseb. Eccl. Hist. l. 3. c. 5.

Mateo 24:13 In-Context

11 Y muchos falsos profetas se levantarán y engañarán á muchos.
12 Y por haberse multiplicado la maldad, la caridad de muchos se resfriará.
13 Mas el que perseverare hasta el fin, éste será salvo.
14 Y será predicado este evangelio del reino en todo el mundo, por testimonio á todos los Gentiles; y entonces vendrá el fin.
15 Por tanto, cuando viereis la abominación del asolamiento, que fué dicha por Daniel profeta, que estará en el lugar santo, (el que lee, entienda),
The Reina-Valera Antigua (1602) is in the public domain.