2 Corintios 10

1 EMPERO yo Pablo, os ruego por la mansedumbre y modestia de Cristo, yo que presente ciertamente soy bajo entre vosotros, mas ausente soy confiado entre vosotros:
2 Ruego pues, que cuando estuviere presente, no tenga que ser atrevido con la confianza con que estoy en ánimo de ser resuelto para con algunos, que nos tienen como si anduviésemos según la carne.
3 Pues aunque andamos en la carne, no militamos según la carne.
4 (Porque las armas de nuestra milicia no son carnales, sino poderosas en Dios para la destrucción de fortalezas;)
5 Destruyendo consejos, y toda altura que se levanta contra la ciencia de Dios, y cautivando todo intento á la obediencia, de Cristo;
6 Y estando prestos para castigar toda desobediencia, cuando vuestra obediencia fuere cumplida.
7 Miráis las cosas según la apariencia. Si alguno está confiado en sí mismo que es de Cristo, esto también piense por sí mismo, que como él es de Cristo, así también nosotros somos de Cristo.
8 Porque aunque me glorié aun un poco de nuestra potestad (la cual el Señor nos dió para edificación y no para vuestra destrucción), no me avergonzaré;
9 Porque no parezca como que os quiero espantar por cartas.
10 Porque á la verdad, dicen, las cartas son graves y fuertes; mas la presencia corporal flaca, y la palabra menospreciable.
11 Esto piense el tal, que cuales somos en la palabra por cartas estando ausentes, tales seremos también en hechos, estando presentes.
12 Porque no osamos entremeternos ó compararnos con algunos que se alaban á sí mismos: mas ellos, midiéndose á sí mismos por sí mismos, y comparándose consigo mismos no son juiciosos.
13 Nosotros empero, no nos gloriaremos fuera de nuestra medida, sino conforme á la medida de la regla, de la medida que Dios nos repartió, para llegar aun hasta vosotros.
14 Porque no nos extendemos sobre nuestra medida, como si no llegásemos hasta vosotros: porque también hasta vosotros hemos llegado en el evangelio de Cristo:
15 No gloriándonos fuera de nuestra medida en trabajos ajenos; mas teniendo esperanza del crecimiento de vuestra fe, que seremos muy engrandecidos entre vosotros, conforme á nuestra regla.
16 Y que anunciaremos el evangelio en los lugares más allá de vosotros, sin entrar en la medida de otro para gloriarnos en lo que ya estaba aparejado.
17 Mas el que se gloría, gloríese en el Señor.
18 Porque no el que se alaba á sí mismo, el tal es aprobado; mas aquel á quien Dios alaba.

2 Corintios 10 Commentary

Chapter 10

The apostle states his authority with meekness and humility. (1-6) Reasons with the Corinthians. (7-11) Seeks the glory of God, and to be approved of him. (12-18)

Verses 1-6 While others thought meanly, and spake scornfully of the apostle, he had low thoughts, and spake humbly of himself. We should be aware of our own infirmities, and think humbly of ourselves, even when men reproach us. The work of the ministry is a spiritual warfare with spiritual enemies, and for spiritual purposes. Outward force is not the method of the gospel, but strong persuasions, by the power of truth and the meekness of wisdom. Conscience is accountable to God only; and people must be persuaded to God and their duty, not driven by force. Thus the weapons of our warfare are very powerful; the evidence of truth is convincing. What opposition is made against the gospel, by the powers of sin and Satan in the hearts of men! But observe the conquest the word of God gains. The appointed means, however feeble they appear to some, will be mighty through God. And the preaching of the cross, by men of faith and prayer, has always been fatal to idolatry, impiety, and wickedness.

Verses 7-11 In outward appearance, Paul was mean and despised in the eyes of some, but this was a false rule to judge by. We must not think that none outward appearance, as if the want of such things proved a man not to be a real Christian, or an able, faithful minister of the lowly Saviour.

Verses 12-18 If we would compare ourselves with others who excel us, this would be a good method to keep us humble. The apostle fixes a good rule for his conduct; namely, not to boast of things without his measure, which was the measure God had distributed to him. There is not a more fruitful source of error, than to judge of persons and opinions by our own prejudices. How common is it for persons to judge of their own religious character, by the opinions and maxims of the world around them! But how different is the rule of God's word! And of all flattery, self-flattery is the worst. Therefore, instead of praising ourselves, we should strive to approve ourselves to God. In a word, let us glory in the Lord our salvation, and in all other things only as evidences of his love, or means of promoting his glory. Instead of praising ourselves, or seeking the praise of men, let us desire that honour which cometh from God only.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter the apostle has chiefly to do with the false teachers, and it is taken up in refuting their calumnies of him, and in exposing their boasting of themselves; and as he goes along, he takes notice of the efficacy of the Gospel, and of the success and extent of it, as it was preached by him, and other Gospel ministers, and points at the proper manner and ground of glorying. And whereas the false teachers had represented him as a mean spirited man, as well as his outward aspect was contemptible, and that he had not that authority and courage he boasted of, he describes himself by those characters they had reproached him with: by his name Paul, which signified little, they suggesting that he was little in soul, as well as in body; by his modesty and humility, when he was with the Corinthians, and by his boldness, now absent from them: and he entreats them by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, which he imitated, and they ought also, that they would not join in those sneers, nor reproach him for these things, 2Co 10:1 and that they would so behave, that, when he came among them, he might have no occasion of using that power and authority, which the false teachers called bluster and boldness; and which he had thought and determined in his own mind to exercise on some who traduced him and his fellow ministers as carnal selfish persons, 2Co 10:2 which calumny he removes by owning, that they walked in the flesh, in the body, and were subject to imperfections, as men; but denies that their ministerial warfare or service was managed in a carnal and worldly, or in a weak way and manner, 2Co 10:3 assigning this reason for it, because the weapons they made use of, in the warfare of their ministry, to defend truth, and annoy the enemy, to enlarge Christ's kingdom, and weaken Satan's, were not carnal, weak, and worldly, but spiritual and efficacious, through the power of God that accompanied them; and which appeared by the use they were of to the demolishing the strong holds of the flesh, and bringing down the haughty and lofty imaginations of the fleshly mind, which were opposed to the knowledge of God, and the refuting all the sophisms of fleshly wisdom, and carnal reasonings against the Gospel of Christ. This was the influence it had on some through the power of divine grace, whereby they became obedient to Christ, and subject to his word and ordinances, 2Co 10:4,5 whilst on others, as on Elymas the sorcerer, who sought to pervert the right ways of God, the apostolical power was exercised in a way of just punishment and awful vengeance, 2Co 10:6. The apostle moreover suggests to the Corinthians, that they judged of him, and the false teachers, according to the outward appearance of things, which was wrong: however, let these men make ever so great a show in the flesh, or what pretensions soever to Christianity, to being the members and ministers of Christ, the apostle would have them observe, that he, and those with him, were, and were to be looked upon as equally the same, 2Co 10:7 nay, should he exalt himself above them, and affirm he had an authority superior to theirs, which he describes by the efficient cause of it, the Lord, and by its end, edification, and not destruction, he should have no reason to be ashamed, since he was capable of giving proof of it, 2Co 10:8 however, he would say no more of this for the present, lest he should strengthen the calumny cast upon him, that it was his way to terrify by his letters, with blustering menaces of his power and authority, 2Co 10:9 and which calumny is more fully expressed in the words of the false teachers, who said, that his letters were bold and blustering, and by which he would be thought to be a man of power and authority; though, alas! a man of no speech nor presence, when in person among men, and so not to be regarded, 2Co 10:10. In answer to which the apostle returns, that he would have such a reviler know, that as he was in word by letters when absent, such would he be found to be in deed when present, 2Co 10:11 and then proceeds to expose the vain glorying of the false teachers, and to observe those things which he, and other faithful ministers of the word, might glory of; though they could not give themselves the liberties they did, and chose to glory in the Lord; they could not commend themselves in that bold and insolent manner, to the contempt of others, when there was no necessity for it, as the false teachers did, 2Co 10:12 nor could they boast of things they never did; of conversions they never were instruments of; of the planting of churches they had no concern in; and of spreading the Gospel where they had never been, which was the case of these men: whereas, whenever they gloried, it was when there was an absolute necessity for it, and always with modesty, acknowledging the grace and goodness of God unto them, and ever with truth; and of their own labours, and not of others; and particularly with respect to Corinth, it was with the strictest regard to truth that they affirmed they were the first that preached the Gospel there, converted souls, and planted a Gospel church, and hoped they should be the means of spreading it further still, 2Co 10:13-16. However, they did not desire to glory in themselves, but in the Lord, from whom they had all their gifts, success, and usefulness; and so they directed others to do, 2Co 10:17 and because, for this reason, that he that commends himself is not approved of God, but he that is commended by the Lord, 2Co 10:18.

2 Corintios 10 Commentaries

The Reina-Valera Antigua (1602) is in the public domain.