Amós 6:1-7

1 ¡AY de los reposados en Sión, y de los confiados en el monte de Samaria, nombrados principales entre las mismas naciones, las cuales vendrán sobre ellos, oh casa de Israel!
2 Pasad á Calne, y mirad; y de allí id á la gran Hamath; descended luego á Gath de los Palestinos: ved si son aquellos reinos mejores que estos reinos, si su término es mayor que vuestro término.
3 Vosotros que dilatáis el día malo, y acercáis la silla de iniquidad;
4 Duermen en camas de marfil, y se extienden sobre sus lechos; y comen los corderos del rebaño, y los becerros de en medio del engordadero;
5 Gorjean al son de la flauta, é inventan instrumentos músicos, como David;
6 Beben vino en tazones, y se ungen con los ungüentos más preciosos; y no se afligen por el quebrantamiento de José.
7 Por tanto, ahora pasarán en el principio de los que á cautividad pasaren, y se acercará el clamor de los extendidos.

Amós 6:1-7 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter seems to be directed both to the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin, and the ten tribes of Israel, under the names of Zion and Samaria, and to the principal men in both; who are reproved and threatened for their carnal security and self-confidence, being in no fear of the evil day, though they had no reason for it no more than other people, Am 6:1-3; are charged with wantonness, luxury, intemperance, and want of sympathy with those in distress, Am 6:4-6; therefore are threatened to be carried captive first, and their city to be delivered up; which, for the certainty of it, is not only said, but swore to, Am 6:7,8; and a great mortality in every house, and the destruction of all houses, both great and small, Am 6:9-11; and since a reformation of them seemed impracticable, and not to be expected, but they gloried in their wealth, and boasted of their strength, therefore they should be afflicted by a foreign nation raised against them, which affliction should be general, from one end of the country to the other, Am 6:12-14.

The Reina-Valera Antigua (1602) is in the public domain.