Proverbios 1:7

7 El principio de la sabiduría es el temor de Jehová: Los insensatos desprecian la sabiduría y la enseñanza.

Proverbios 1:7 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 1:7

The fear of the Lord [is] the beginning of knowledge
Here properly the book begins, and this is the first of the proverbs, and an excellent one; it is such an one as is not to be found in all the writings of the Heathens. By "the fear of the Lord" is not meant a servile fear, a fear of punishment, of hell, wrath, and damnation, which is the effect of the first work of the law upon the conscience; but a filial fear, and supposes knowledge of God as a father, of his love and grace in Christ, particularly of his forgiving love, from whence it arises, ( Psalms 130:4 ) ( Hosea 3:5 ) ; it is a holy, humble, fiducial fear of God; a reverential affection for him, and devotion to him; it includes the whole of religious worship, both internal and external; all that is contained in the first table of the law, and the manner of performing it, and principle of acting: this is the first of all sciences to be learned, and it is the principal one; it is the basis and foundation of all the rest, on which they depend; and it is the head, the fountain, the root an source, from whence they spring; and unless a man knows God, knows God in Christ, and worships him in his fear, in spirit and in truth, according to his revealed will, he knows nothing as he ought to know; and all his knowledge will be of no avail and profit to him; this is the first and chief thing in spiritual and evangelical knowledge, and without which all natural knowledge will signify nothing; see ( Job 28:28 ) ( Psalms 111:10 ) ;

[but] fools despise wisdom and instruction;
the same with "knowledge" before; they do not desire the knowledge of God, and of his ways and worship, but despise it, make no account of it, but treat it with contempt; especially the knowledge of God in Christ, in which lies the highest wisdom, for this is "life eternal", ( John 17:3 ) ; they despise Christ "the Wisdom of God", and the Gospel, and the truths of it, which are "the hidden wisdom" of God; and all "instruction" into it, and the means of it; they despise the Scriptures, which are able to make a man "wise unto salvation"; and the ministry of the word, and the ministers of it: such sort of "discipline" F14 was this, as the word signifies, they dislike and abhor; and especially "correction" or "chastisement" {o}, which is also the sense of it; suffering reproach and affliction for the sake of wisdom, a profession of Christ and his Gospel; and they are fools with a witness that despise all this; such fools are atheists, deists, and all profane and wicked men. The Septuagint render it, "the ungodly"; and such sort of men are all along meant by "fools" in this book.


F14 (rowm) "disciplinam", Tigurine version, Piscator, Cocceius, Schultens,
F15 "Castigationem, correctionem", Vatablus.

Proverbios 1:7 In-Context

5 Oirá el sabio, y aumentará el saber; Y el entendido adquirirá consejo;
6 Para entender parábola y declaración; Palabras de sabios, y sus dichos oscuros.
7 El principio de la sabiduría es el temor de Jehová: Los insensatos desprecian la sabiduría y la enseñanza.
8 Oye, hijo mío, la doctrina de tu padre, Y no desprecies la dirección de tu madre:
9 Porque adorno de gracia serán á tu cabeza, Y collares á tu cuello.
The Reina-Valera Antigua (1602) is in the public domain.