Proverbios 13:24

24 El que detiene el castigo, á su hijo aborrece: Mas el que lo ama, madruga á castigarlo.

Proverbios 13:24 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 13:24

He that spareth his rod hateth his son
Who withholds or withdraws his rod of correction, which is in his hand, which he has power to use, and ought to exercise at proper times; he, instead of loving his son, may be said to hate him; for such fond love is no better than hatred; and, if he really hated him, he could scarcely do a more ill thing by him than not to correct him for a fault; which was the sin of good old Eli, and both he and his sons suffered for it; but he that loveth him;
that has a true love for his son, and a hearty concern for his welfare and future good; he will regulate his affections by his judgment, and not give way to a fond passion, to the prejudice of his child: but he chasteneth him betimes,
or "in the morning" F24; in the morning of his infancy, before vicious habits are contracted, or he is accustomed to sinning, and hardened in it; or as soon as a crime is perpetrated, before it is forgot or repeated: or every morning, as Jarchi and Aben Ezra; that is, continually, as often as it is necessary, or as faults are committed.


F24 (wrxv) "mane castigat eum", Munster; "matutinat ei disciplinam", Michaelis.

Proverbios 13:24 In-Context

22 El bueno dejará herederos á los hijos de los hijos; Y el haber del pecador, para el justo está guardado.
23 En el barbecho de los pobres hay mucho pan: Mas piérdese por falta de juicio.
24 El que detiene el castigo, á su hijo aborrece: Mas el que lo ama, madruga á castigarlo.
25 El justo come hasta saciar su alma: Mas el vientre de los impíos tendrá necesidad.
The Reina-Valera Antigua (1602) is in the public domain.