Proverbios 31

1 PALABRAS del rey Lemuel; la profecía con que le enseñó su madre.
2 ¿Qué, hijo mío? ¿y qué, hijo de mi vientre? ¿Y qué, hijo de mis deseos?
3 No des á las mujeres tu fuerza, Ni tus caminos á lo que es para destruir los reyes.
4 No es de los reyes, oh Lemuel, no es de los reyes beber vino, Ni de los príncipes la cerveza.
5 No sea que bebiendo olviden la ley, Y perviertan el derecho de todos los hijos afligidos.
6 Dad la cerveza al desfallecido, Y el vino á los de amargo ánimo:
7 Beban, y olvídense de su necesidad, Y de su miseria no más se acuerden.
8 Abre tu boca por el mudo, En el juicio de todos los hijos de muerte.
9 Abre tu boca, juzga justicia, Y el derecho del pobre y del menesteroso.
10 Mujer fuerte, ¿quién la hallará? Porque su estima sobrepuja largamente á la de piedras preciosas.
11 El corazón de su marido está en ella confiado, Y no tendrá necesidad de despojo.
12 Darále ella bien y no mal, Todos los días de su vida.
13 Buscó lana y lino, Y con voluntad labró de sus manos.
14 Fué como navío de mercader: Trae su pan de lejos.
15 Levantóse aun de noche, Y dió comida á su familia, Y ración á sus criadas.
16 Consideró la heredad, y compróla; Y plantó viña del fruto de sus manos.
17 Ciñó sus lomos de fortaleza, Y esforzó sus brazos.
18 Gustó que era buena su granjería: Su candela no se apagó de noche.
19 Aplicó sus manos al huso, Y sus manos tomaron la rueca.
20 Alargó su mano al pobre, Y extendió sus manos al menesteroso.
21 No tendrá temor de la nieve por su familia, Porque toda su familia está vestida de ropas dobles.
22 Ella se hizo tapices; De lino fino y púrpura es su vestido.
23 Conocido es su marido en las puertas, Cuando se sienta con los ancianos de la tierra.
24 Hizo telas, y vendió; Y dió cintas al mercader.
25 Fortaleza y honor son su vestidura; Y en el día postrero reirá.
26 Abrió su boca con sabiduría: Y la ley de clemencia está en su lengua.
27 Considera los caminos de su casa, Y no come el pan de balde.
28 Levantáronse sus hijos, y llamáronla bienaventurada; Y su marido también la alabó.
29 Muchas mujeres hicieron el bien; Mas tú las sobrepujaste á todas.
30 Engañosa es la gracia, y vana la hermosura: La mujer que teme á Jehová, ésa será alabada.
31 Dadle el fruto de sus manos, Y alábenla en las puertas sus hechos.

Proverbios 31 Commentary

Chapter 31

An exhortation to king Lemuel to take heed of sin, and to do duties. (1-9) The description of a virtuous woman. (10-31)

Verses 1-9 When children are under the mother's eye, she has an opportunity of fashioning their minds aright. Those who are grown up, should often call to mind the good teaching they received when children. The many awful instances of promising characters who have been ruined by vile women, and love of wine, should warn every one to avoid these evils. Wine is to be used for want or medicine. Every creature of God is good, and wine, though abused, has its use. By the same rule, due praise and consolation should be used as cordials to the dejected and tempted, not administered to the confident and self-sufficient. All in authority should be more carefully temperate even than other men; and should be protectors of those who are unable or afraid to plead their own cause. Our blessed Lord did not decline the bitterest dregs of the cup of sorrow put into his hands; but he puts the cup of consolation into the hands of his people, and causes those to rejoice who are in the deepest distress.

Verses 10-31 This is the description of a virtuous woman of those days, but the general outlines equally suit every age and nation. She is very careful to recommend herself to her husband's esteem and affection, to know his mind, and is willing that he rule over her. 1. She can be trusted, and he will leave such a wife to manage for him. He is happy in her. And she makes it her constant business to do him good. 2. She is one that takes pains in her duties, and takes pleasure in them. She is careful to fill up time, that none be lost. She rises early. She applies herself to the business proper for her, to women's business. She does what she does, with all her power, and trifles not. 3. She makes what she does turn to good account by prudent management. Many undo themselves by buying, without considering whether they can afford it. She provides well for her house. She lays up for hereafter. 4. She looks well to the ways of her household, that she may oblige all to do their duty to God and one another, as well as to her. 5. She is intent upon giving as upon getting, and does it freely and cheerfully. 6. She is discreet and obliging; every word she says, shows she governs herself by the rules of wisdom. She not only takes prudent measures herself, but gives prudent advice to others. The law of love and kindness is written in the heart, and shows itself in the tongue. Her heart is full of another world, even when her hands are most busy about this world. 7. Above all, she fears the Lord. Beauty recommends none to God, nor is it any proof of wisdom and goodness, but it has deceived many a man who made his choice of a wife by it. But the fear of God reigning in the heart, is the beauty of the soul; it lasts for ever. 8. She has firmness to bear up under crosses and disappointments. She shall reflect with comfort when she comes to be old, that she was not idle or useless when young. She shall rejoice in a world to come. She is a great blessing to her relations. If the fruit be good, the tree must have our good word. But she leaves it to her own works to praise her. Every one ought to desire this honour that cometh from God; and according to this standard we all ought to regulate our judgments. This description let all women daily study, who desire to be truly beloved and respected, useful and honourable. This passage is to be applied to individuals, but may it not also be applied to the church of God, which is described as a virtuous spouse? God by his grace has formed from among sinful men a church of true believers, to possess all the excellences here described.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains the last part of the book of Proverbs; which some reckon the fifth, others the sixth. It contains the instructions of the mother of a prince, whose name was Lemuel, which she gave unto him; and which are so valuable, as to be annexed to the proverbs of Solomon. The preface or introduction to them is in Pr 31:1; the address to her son, Pr 31:2. The vices she cautions him against are uncleanness and intemperance; which she dissuades from, because of the pernicious consequences of both to kings and to their subjects, Pr 31:3-5. Advises rather to give wine and strong drink to poor people, such as are in distress; as being more useful to them, at least less prejudicial, Pr 31:6,7; and exhorts her son to the duties of his office; by pleading the cause of the poor and injured, and administering justice to them, Pr 31:8,9. And then at large describes a virtuous woman; perhaps designed as an instruction to her son in the choice of a wife, Pr 31:10-31; though more than that may be intended by it.

Proverbios 31 Commentaries

The Reina-Valera Antigua (1602) is in the public domain.