And I looked, and there was none to help
As, in the first redemption and salvation by Christ here on earth, there were none among the angels, nor any of the sons of men, to help him and assist him therein, none but Jehovah the Father; so, in this latter salvation, the church and people of God will be reduced to such a low, helpless, and forlorn condition, that there will be none to lend an assisting hand; their deliverance will appear most manifestly to be the sole work of almighty power: and I wondered that there was none to uphold;
not the Saviour and Redeemer, he needed none; but his people under their sufferings, trials, and exercises, and his sinking, dying, cause and interest: this is spoken after the manner of men, and to make the salvation appear the more remarkable, distinguishing, and great, and solely his own work; for otherwise expectation and disappointment, consternation and amazement, as the word F18 signifies, cannot be properly ascribed to this great Redeemer: therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me;
to himself, his mystical self, his church and people, and for his own glory; a salvation which his own omnipotent arm could only effect; (See Gill on Isaiah 59:16), and my fury it upheld me;
his zeal for his church and people, and his indignation against their enemies, excited his almighty power on their behalf, and carried him through the work of their deliverance and salvation he engaged in; see ( Isaiah 9:7 ) .