Joshua 1:5

5 No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Joshua 1:5 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
5 There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
English Standard Version (ESV)
5 No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.
New Living Translation (NLT)
5 No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you.
The Message Bible (MSG)
5 All your life, no one will be able to hold out against you. In the same way I was with Moses, I'll be with you. I won't give up on you; I won't leave you.
American Standard Version (ASV)
5 There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life. as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee; I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
5 No one will be able to oppose you successfully as long as you live. I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will never neglect you or abandon you.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
5 No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. I will be with you, just as I was with Moses. I will not leave you or forsake you.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
5 "Joshua, no one will be able to stand up against you as long as you live. I will be with you, just as I was with Moses. I will never leave you. I will never desert you.

Joshua 1:5 Meaning and Commentary

Joshua 1:5

There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the
days of thy life
What is promised to the people in common, ( Deuteronomy 11:25 ) ; is here particularly promised to Joshua their general; and which was fulfilled in him, and still more in Christ his antitype, who made an end of sin, destroyed the devil, spoiled principalities and powers, abolished death, and overcame the world:

as I was with Moses, [so] will I be with thee;
to counsel and advise, guide and direct, protect and defend, prosper and succeed; the Targum of Jonathan is, as my Word

``was for the help of Moses, so will I be with thee:''

I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee;
but grant him his presence, communicate strength unto him, make good his promises, and leave him not till he had made an entire conquest of the land of Canaan, and even not till the end of his days; and was true of Christ in his state of humiliation, in his sufferings and death, and even in the grave, where he was not left so long as to see corruption; as this is applied to particular believers, (See Gill on Hebrews 13:5).

Joshua 1:5 In-Context

3 I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.
4 Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates—all the Hittite country—to the Mediterranean Sea in the west.
5 No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.
6 Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.
7 “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.

Cross References 3

  • 1. S Deuteronomy 7:24
  • 2. ver 17; S Genesis 26:3; S Genesis 39:2; Judges 6:12; 1 Samuel 10:7; Jeremiah 1:8; Jeremiah 30:11; Joshua 3:7; Joshua 6:27
  • 3. S Genesis 28:15; S Deuteronomy 4:31; Deuteronomy 31:6-8
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