Jeremías 22:28

28 ¿Por ventura es este hombre Conías un ídolo vil, quebrado? ¿Es vaso con quien nadie se deleita? ¿Por qué fueron arrojados, él y su generación; fueron echados a tierra que no conocieron?

Jeremías 22:28 Meaning and Commentary

Jeremiah 22:28

[Is] this man Coniah a despised broken idol?
&c.] Or like an idol that is nothing in the world, and like a broken one, that, whatever worship before was paid to it, has now none at all, but is despised by its votaries? he is such an one; though he was idolized by his people when be first came to the throne; but now his power and government being broken, and he carried captive, was despised by all; as his being called Coniah, and "this man" or fellow, show; which are used of him in a way of reproach and contempt; [is he] a vessel wherein [is] no pleasure?
he is. He is like a vessel made for dishonour, or is used for the most contemptible service; or like one that is cracked, or broken, or defiled, that no use can be made of it, or any delight taken in it; it is not fit to set up, to be looked at, or to be made use of; wherefore are they cast out, he and his seed;
which were in his loins, and were begotten by him in captivity; see ( 1 Chronicles 3:17 1 Chronicles 3:18 ) ; and so said to be cast out with him, when he was cast out of the land of Judea; just as Levi paid tithes in Abraham before he was born, ( Hebrews 7:9 Hebrews 7:10 ) ; and are cast into a land which they know not?
where they had no friends and acquaintance; doubtless it was for his sins and transgressions, and those of his people.

Jeremías 22:28 In-Context

26 Y te haré transportar, a ti, y a tu madre que te engendró, a tierra ajena en que no nacisteis; y allá moriréis.
27 Y a la tierra a la cual levantan ellos su alma para tornar, allá no volverán.
28 ¿Por ventura es este hombre Conías un ídolo vil, quebrado? ¿Es vaso con quien nadie se deleita? ¿Por qué fueron arrojados, él y su generación; fueron echados a tierra que no conocieron?
29 ¡Oh tierra, tierra, tierra! Oye palabra del SEÑOR.
30 Así dijo el SEÑOR: Escribid que será este varón privado de generación, hombre a quien nada sucederá prósperamente en todos los días de su vida; porque ningún hombre de su simiente que se sentare sobre el trono de David, y que se enseñoreare sobre Judá, será jamás dichoso.