Juan 1:2

2 Este era en el principio con el Dios.

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Juan 1:2 Meaning and Commentary

John 1:2

The same was in the beginning with God.
] This is a repetition of what is before said, and is made to show the importance of the truths before delivered; namely, the eternity of Christ, his distinct personality, and proper deity; and that the phrase, in the beginning, is to be joined to each of the above sentences; and so proves, not only his eternal existence, but his eternal existence with the Father, and also his eternal deity; and is also made to carry on the thread of the discourse, concerning the word, and not God the Father; and to express, not only his co-existence in nature, but his co-operation in the works of creation next mentioned.

Juan 1:2 In-Context

1 En el principio ya era la Palabra, y aquel que es la Palabra era con el Dios, y la Palabra era Dios.
2 Este era en el principio con el Dios.
3 Todas las cosas por él fueron hechas; y sin él nada de lo que es hecho, fue hecho.
4 En él estaba la vida, y la vida era la luz de los hombres.
5 Y la luz en las tinieblas resplandece; mas las tinieblas no la comprendieron.