Colosenses 4:2-6

2 Perseverad en la oración, velando en ella con acción de gracias;
3 orando también juntamente por nosotros, que el Señor nos abra la puerta de la palabra, para que hablemos el misterio del Cristo, (por el cual aun estoy preso),
4 para que lo manifieste como me conviene hablar.
5 Andad en sabiduría para con los extraños, ganando la ocasión.
6 Sea vuestra palabra siempre con gracia, sazonada con sal; para que sepáis cómo os conviene responder a cada uno.

Colosenses 4:2-6 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter begins with an exhortation to masters to behave towards their servants in a just and equitable manner, from the consideration of their having a master in heaven, which should have concluded the preceding one; and in it the apostle gives some general exhortations, and some particular instructions about reading this, and another epistle, and stirring up their minister to his duty; and great part of it is taken up in expressing his love to the Colossians, and in the salutations of others, and of himself. The general exhortations are to prayer, with watchfulness and thankfulness, not only for themselves, but especially for the ministers of the Gospel, Col 4:2-4 and next to a wise behaviour towards them that were of the world, Col 4:5 and also to a prudent conversation, particularly in language, with everyone, Col 4:6. And then the apostle proceeds to declare his great affection for them, and care of them, which he showed by sending two proper persons to them from him, partly to make known his affairs to them, and partly to know the state and condition they were in, and comfort them, Col 4:7-9 and next follow the salutations of various persons to them, who are mentioned by name, and whose characters are given, Col 4:10-15. And then he orders them to read this epistle in the church of Laodicea, and also that which came from that place, Col 4:16 and to admonish Archippus to take heed to, and fulfil his ministry, since it was what he had received in the Lord, Col 4:17. And then closes the epistle with his own salutation and benediction, entreating a remembrance of him and his bonds, Col 4:18.
