Jeremías 32:6-15

6 Y dijo Jeremías: Palabra del SEÑOR vino a mí, diciendo:
7 He aquí que Hanameel, hijo de Salum tu tío, viene a ti, diciendo: Cómprame mi heredad que está en Anatot; porque tú tienes derecho a ella para comprarla.
8 Y vino a mí Hanameel, hijo de mi tío, conforme a la palabra del SEÑOR, al patio de la guarda, y me dijo: Compra ahora mi heredad que está en Anatot, en tierra de Benjamín, porque tuyo es el derecho de la herencia, y a ti compete la redención; cómprala para ti. Entonces conocí que era palabra del SEÑOR.
9 Y compré la heredad de Hanameel, hijo de mi tío, la cual estaba en Anatot, y le pesé el dinero: siete siclos y diez monedas de plata.
10 Y escribí la carta, y la sellé, e hice atestiguar a testigos, y pesé el dinero con balanza.
11 Tomé luego la carta de venta, sellada según el derecho y costumbre, y el traslado abierto.
12 Y di la carta de venta a Baruc hijo de Nerías, hijo de Maasías, delante de Hanameel el hijo de mi tío, y delante de los testigos que habían suscrito en la carta de venta, delante de todos los judíos que estaban en el patio de la guarda.
13 Y di orden a Baruc delante de ellos, diciendo:
14 Así dijo el SEÑOR de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: Toma estas cartas, esta carta de venta, la sellada, y ésta que es la carta abierta, y ponlas en un vaso de barro, para que se guarden muchos días.
15 Porque así dijo el SEÑOR de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: Aún se comprarán y venderán casas, y heredades, y viñas en esta tierra.

Jeremías 32:6-15 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter contains an account of Jeremiah's imprisonment, and the cause of it; of his buying a field of his uncle's son, and the design of it; of his prayer to God, and of the answer returned to him. The time of his imprisonment, the place where, and the reasons of it, are observed in Jer 32:1-5; that his uncle's son would come and offer the sale of a field to him was told him by the Lord, which he did accordingly, Jer 32:6,7; of whom he bought the field, paid the money, had the purchase confirmed in a legal way, before witnesses, Jer 32:8-12; and the writings of it he committed to Baruch, to put in an earthen vessel, where they were to continue some time as a pledge of houses, fields, and vineyards, being possessed again after the captivity, Jer 32:13-15; then follows a prayer of his to the Lord, in which he addresses him as the Maker of all things; as the Lord God omnipotent; as a God of great grace and mercy, as well as strict justice; as a God of wisdom, counsel, and might, and an omniscient and righteous Being, Jer 32:16-19; and recounts the wonderful things he had done for the people of Israel, Jer 32:20-22; and observes the ingratitude and disobedience of that people, which were the cause of the present siege of the city, which should surely be delivered into the hands of the Chaldeans, Jer 32:23-25; to which prayer an answer is returned, Jer 32:26; in which the Lord describes himself as the God of all flesh, and as able to do what he pleases, Jer 32:27; and confirms the delivery of the city of Jerusalem unto the Chaldeans, Jer 32:28,29; and assigns the causes of it, the backslidings, disobedience, and dreadful idolatry of the people, Jer 32:30-35; and, notwithstanding, promises a restoration of them to their own land again, Jer 32:36,37; when an opportunity is taken to insert the covenant of grace, and the special articles and peculiar promises of it, for the comfort of the spiritual Israel of God, whether Jews or Gentiles, Jer 32:38-40; and the chapter is concluded with a fresh assurance of the return of the captivity, and of the punctual performance of the promise of it; when fields should be bought in every part of the land, in like manner as Jeremiah had bought his, Jer 32:41-44.
