Jeremías 30:7

7 ¡Ah, cuán grande es aquel día! Tanto, que no hay otro semejante a él; y tiempo de angustia para Jacob; mas de ella será librado.

Jeremías 30:7 Meaning and Commentary

Jeremiah 30:7

Alas! for that day [is] great
For sorrow and distress: so that none [is] like it;
such were the times of Jerusalem's siege and destruction by the Romans; and which was an emblem of those times of trouble from antichrist in the latter day; see ( Matthew 24:21 Matthew 24:22 ) ( Daniel 12:1 Daniel 12:2 ) ; it [is] even the time of Jacob's trouble:
of the church and people of God, the true Israel of God; when Popery will be the prevailing religion in Christendom; when the outward court shall be given to the Gentiles; the witnesses shall be slain; antichrist will be "in statu quo"; and the whore of Rome in all her glory; though it shall not last long: but he shall be saved out of it;
shall come out of those great tribulations into a very happy and comfortable estate; the spirit of life shall enter into the witnesses, and they shall live and ascend to heaven; the vials of God's wrath will be poured upon the antichristian states; the kings of the earth will hate the whore, and burn her with fire; the Gospel will be preached everywhere; the Jews will be converted, and the fulness of the Gentiles be brought in; and an end be put to all trouble; of which there will be no more, nor any occasion of it: or, "therefore he shall be saved out of it" F18; as the effect of the divine compassion to him in such great trouble.


F18 (evwy hnmmw) "ideo ex eo servabitur", Schmidt.

Jeremías 30:7 In-Context

5 Porque así dijo el SEÑOR: Hemos oído voz de temblor; espanto, y no paz.
6 Preguntad ahora, y mirad si da a luz el varón; porque he visto que todo hombre tenía las manos sobre sus lomos, como mujer de parto, y se han tornado pálidos todos los rostros.
7 ¡Ah, cuán grande es aquel día! Tanto, que no hay otro semejante a él; y tiempo de angustia para Jacob; mas de ella será librado.
8 Y será en aquel día, dice el SEÑOR de los ejércitos, que yo quebraré su yugo de tu cuello, y romperé tus coyundas, y extraños no lo volverán más a poner en servidumbre,
9 sino que servirán al SEÑOR su Dios, y a David su rey, el cual les levantaré.