Rut 4:18

18 Y éstas son las generaciones de Fares: Fares engendró a Hezrón;

Rut 4:18 Meaning and Commentary

Ruth 4:18

Now these are the generations of Pharez
The son of Judah, by Tamar before mentioned, ( Ruth 4:12 ) ( Genesis 38:29 ) , for the intention of this genealogy is to confirm the truth of Jacob's prophecy, of Shiloh the Messiah coming from the tribe of Judah, ( Genesis 49:10 ) and therefore it begins with Pharez, well known to be the son of Judah, and ends with David, whose son the Messiah was to be, as is owned by all Jews and Gentiles that believe the divine revelation:

Pharez begat Hezron;
who was one of those that went down with Jacob into Egypt, being born in the land of Canaan, ( Genesis 47:12 ) called Esrom in ( Matthew 1:3 ) ( Luke 3:33 ) .

Rut 4:18 In-Context

16 Y tomando Noemí el hijo, lo puso en su regazo, y fue su aya.
17 Y las vecinas le pusieron nombre diciendo: a Noemí ha nacido un hijo; y le llamaron Obed. Este es padre de Isaí, padre de David.
18 Y éstas son las generaciones de Fares: Fares engendró a Hezrón;
19 y Hezrón engendró a Ram, y Ram engendró a Aminadab;
20 y Aminadab engendró a Naasón, y Naasón engendró a Salmón;