1 Corinthiërs 15:31

31 Ik sterf alle dagen, hetwelk ik betuig bij onzen roem, dien ik heb in Christus Jezus, onzen Heere.

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1 Corinthiërs 15:31 Meaning and Commentary

1 Corinthians 15:31

I protest by your rejoicing
Some copies read, "our rejoicing"; and so the Ethiopic version, which seems most natural and easy; since it follows,

which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord;
who in him could rejoice and glory in afflictions and sufferings, which he endured as a preacher of the Gospel for his sake; and which being certain and evident, and what might be depended upon, he makes a protestation by it, saying,

I die daily;
which is to be understood, not in a spiritual sense of dying unto sin; he was dead unto sin, as to its damning power, through the death of Christ, and as to its governing power, through the Spirit and grace of Christ, but still it was living and dwelling in him; but in a corporeal sense: he instances in himself in particular, who was one that was in jeopardy or danger of his life every hour; he always bore in his body the dying of the Lord Jesus, and was continually delivered to death for Jesus' sake; death was always working in him, he expected it every day, and was ready for it; he did not count his life dear unto himself, but was very willing to lay it down for the sake of Christ and his Gospel; which he would never have done, if he had not good reason to believe the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead.

1 Corinthiërs 15:31 In-Context

29 Anders, wat zullen zij doen, die voor de doden gedoopt worden, indien de doden ganselijk niet opgewekt worden? Waarom worden zij voor de doden ook gedoopt?
30 Waarom zijn ook wij alle ure in gevaar?
31 Ik sterf alle dagen, hetwelk ik betuig bij onzen roem, dien ik heb in Christus Jezus, onzen Heere.
32 Zo ik, naar den mens, tegen de beesten gevochten heb te Efeze, wat nuttigheid is het mij, indien de doden niet opgewekt worden? Laat ons eten en drinken, want morgen sterven wij.
33 Dwaalt niet, kwade samensprekingen verderven goede zeden.
The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.