1 Thessalonicenzen 5:21

21 Beproeft alle dingen; behoudt het goede.

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1 Thessalonicenzen 5:21 Meaning and Commentary

1 Thessalonians 5:21

Prove all things
That are said by the prophets, all the doctrines which they deliver; hear them, though they have not the gift of tongues, and all desirable advantages; do not reject them on that account, and refuse to hear them, for so, many useful men may be laid aside, and the Spirit of God in them be quenched; try their gifts, and attend to their doctrines, yet do not implicitly believe everything they say, but examine them according to the word of God the test and standard of truth; search the Scriptures, whether the things they say are true or not. Not openly erroneous persons, and known heretics, are to be heard and attended on, but the ministers of the word, or such who are said to have a gift of prophesying; these should make use of it, and the church should try and judge their gift, and accordingly encourage or discourage; and also their doctrines, and if false reject them, and if true receive them.

Hold fast that which is good;
honest, pleasant, profitable, and agreeable to sound doctrine, to the analogy of faith, and the Scriptures of truth, and is useful and edifying, instructive both as to principle and practice; such should be held fast, that no man take it away; and be retained, though a majority may be against it, for the multitude is not always on the side of truth; and though it may be rejected by men of learning and wealth, as Christ and his doctrines were rejected by the Scribes and Pharisees, and rulers of the people; and though it may be reproached as a novel, upstart notion, or a licentious one, since these were charges against the doctrine of Christ, and his apostles; and though it may be attended with affliction and persecution, yet none of these things should move from it, or cause to let it go.

1 Thessalonicenzen 5:21 In-Context

19 Blust den Geest niet uit.
20 Veracht de profetieen niet.
21 Beproeft alle dingen; behoudt het goede.
22 Onthoudt u van allen schijn des kwaads.
23 En de God des vredes Zelf heilige u geheel en al; en uw geheel oprechte geest, en ziel, en lichaam worde onberispelijk bewaard in de toekomst van onzen Heere Jezus Christus.

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The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.