2 Thessalonicenzen 3:13

13 En gij, broeders, vertraagt niet in goed te doen.

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2 Thessalonicenzen 3:13 Meaning and Commentary

2 Thessalonians 3:13

But ye, brethren
The rest of the members of the church, who were diligent and industrious in their callings, minded their own business, and did not trouble themselves with other men's matters, took care of themselves, and their families, and were beneficent to others:

be not weary in well doing;
which may be understood generally of all well doing, or of doing of every good work; which is well done when done according to the will of God, in faith, and from a principle of love, and in the name and strength of Christ, and with a view to the glory of God: or particularly of acts of beneficence to the poor; for though the idle and lazy should not be relieved, yet the helpless poor should not be neglected. This the apostle observes, lest covetous persons should make an handle of this, and withhold their hands from distributing to any, under a notion of their being idle and disorderly; or lest the saints should be tired, and become weary of doing acts of charity through the ingratitude, moroseness, and ill manners of poor people; see ( Galatians 6:9 ) .

2 Thessalonicenzen 3:13 In-Context

11 Want wij horen, dat sommigen onder u ongeregeld wandelen, niet werkende, maar ijdele dingen doende.
12 Doch de zodanigen bevelen en vermanen wij door onzen Heere Jezus Christus, dat zij met stilheid werkende, hun eigen brood eten.
13 En gij, broeders, vertraagt niet in goed te doen.
14 Maar indien iemand ons woord, door deze brief geschreven, niet gehoorzaam is, tekent dien; en vermengt u niet met hem, opdat hij beschaamd worde;
15 En houdt hem niet als een vijand, maar vermaant hem als een broeder.
The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.