Genesis 25:25

25 En de eerste kwam uit, ros; hij was geheel als een haren kleed; daarom noemden zij zijn naam Ezau.

Genesis 25:25 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 25:25

And the first came out red
Either his body, or rather the hair it was covered with, red; which was a sign, as Jarchi observes, that he would be a shedder of blood, fierce and cruel as were he and his posterity: all over like an hairy garment;
his body was all over full of hair, which stood as thick as a garment made of hair, and was a sign of the roughness of his disposition, as well as of the strength of his body: and they called his name Esau;
his parents, and those present at his birth, all that saw him thus covered with hair; for he had his name not from the colour of his body or hair; for the word does not signify "red", but comes from a word which signifies "to make", he being a "maker": that made his way out before his brother, or an active man as afterwards, or because of his hair was "made" or born more like a man than a child; and so the Targum adds,

``because he was wholly perfect, with the hair of his head and beard, and with his teeth and grinders:''
but chiefly because of his hairiness, for Esau in the Arabic language signifies "covered" F6, as he was with hair: some say, a word in that language signifies a hairy garment made of camel's hair F7.

F6 <arabic> "texit", "operuit", Castel. col. 2930.
F7 Vid. Stockium. p. 923.

Genesis 25:25 In-Context

23 En de HEERE zeide tot haar: Twee volken zijn in uw buik, en twee natien zullen zich uit uw ingewand van een scheiden; en het ene volk zal sterker zijn dan het andere volk; en de meerdere zal den mindere dienen.
24 Als nu haar dagen vervuld waren om te baren, ziet, zo waren tweelingen in haar buik.
25 En de eerste kwam uit, ros; hij was geheel als een haren kleed; daarom noemden zij zijn naam Ezau.
26 En daarna kwam zijn broeder uit, wiens hand Ezau's verzenen hield; daarom noemde men zijn naam Jakob. En Izak was zestig jaren oud, als hij hen gewon.
27 Als nu deze jongeren groot werden, werd Ezau een man, verstandig op de jacht, een veldman; maar Jakob werd een oprecht man, wonende in tenten.
The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.