Jakobus 2:20

20 Maar wilt gij weten, o ijdel mens, dat het geloof zonder de werken dood is?

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Jakobus 2:20 Meaning and Commentary

James 2:20

But wilt thou know, O vain man
These are the words of the apostle reassuming the argument, that faith without works is dead, useless, and unprofitable; and the man that boasts of his faith, and has no works to show it, he calls a "vain man", an empty one, sounding brass, and a tinkling cymbal; empty vessels make the greatest sound; such are proud boasters, vainly puffed up by their fleshly mind; but are empty of the true knowledge of God, and of the faith of Christ, and of the grace of the Spirit: the Syriac version renders it, "O weak", or "feeble man", as he must needs be, whose faith is dead, and boasts of such a lifeless thing; and the Ethiopic version renders it, "O foolish man", for such an one betrays his ignorance in spiritual things, whatever conceit he has of his knowledge and understanding: the character seems levelled against the Gnostics, who were swelled with a vain opinion of their knowledge, to whom the apostle addresses himself thus. The phrase, "vain man", is a proper interpretation of the word (aqyr) , "Raca", or Reka, used in ( Matthew 5:22 ) , (See Gill on Matthew 5:22), which though not to be said to a man in an angry way, yet may be applied to men of such a character as here described; who were empty of solid good, and yet boasted of their knowledge. "Wilt thou know?" dost thou require proofs,

that faith, without works, is dead?
as in ( James 2:17 ) and that true faith has always works accompanying it, and is shown and known by it? then take the following instances.

Jakobus 2:20 In-Context

18 Maar, zal iemand zeggen: Gij hebt het geloof, en ik heb de werken. Toon mij uw geloof uit uw werken, en ik zal u uit mijn werken mijn geloof tonen.
19 Gij gelooft, dat God een enig God is; gij doet wel; de duivelen geloven het ook, en zij sidderen.
20 Maar wilt gij weten, o ijdel mens, dat het geloof zonder de werken dood is?
21 Abraham, onze vader, is hij niet uit de werken gerechtvaardigd, als hij Izak, zijn zoon, geofferd heeft op het altaar?
22 Ziet gij wel, dat het geloof mede gewrocht heeft met zijn werken, en het geloof volmaakt is geweest uit de werken?
The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.