Johannes 5:12

12 Zij vraagden hem dan: Wie is de Mens, Die u gezegd heeft: Neem uw beddeken op, en wandel?

Johannes 5:12 Meaning and Commentary

John 5:12

Then asked they him
Suspecting who had made him whole, and gave him this order:

what man is that which said unto thee, take up thy bed and walk?
they take no notice of the cure, being unwilling to give any glory to Christ, and still less to spread it; but chose rather that it should be obscured, hid, and unobserved; but they laid hold on that, which they thought might be improved to his reproach and scandal; and they call him a man, as supposing him to be a mere man, and a wicked man too, for giving orders to transgress a tradition of the elders, though no mere man could work such a cure as this was. And so the Jews since, though they cannot find fault with the cure, which they put an "if" upon, yet are highly displeased with the order, to take up his bed and carry it:

``if (say they F1) he wrought a cure, lo, that is good, but why did he bid him take up his bed?''

the answer may be, to show that he was cured.


F1 Vet. Nizzachon, p. 207.

Johannes 5:12 In-Context

10 De Joden zeiden dan tot dengene, die genezen was: Het is sabbat; het is u niet geoorloofd het beddeken te dragen.
11 Hij antwoordde hun: Die mij gezond gemaakt heeft, Die heeft mij gezegd: Neem uw beddeken op, en wandel.
12 Zij vraagden hem dan: Wie is de Mens, Die u gezegd heeft: Neem uw beddeken op, en wandel?
13 En die gezond gemaakt was, wist niet, Wie Hij was; want Jezus was ontweken, alzo er een grote schare in die plaats was.
14 Daarna vond hem Jezus in den tempel, en zeide tot hem: Zie, gij zijt gezond geworden; zondig niet meer, opdat u niet wat ergers geschiede.
The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.