Prediker 5:11

11 De slaap des arbeiders is zoet, hij hebbe weinig of veel gegeten; maar de zatheid des rijken laat hem niet slapen.

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Prediker 5:11 Meaning and Commentary

Ecclesiastes 5:11

When goods increase, they are increased that eat them
When a man's substance increases by trade, or otherwise, very often so it is that his family increases, and he has more mouths to feed, and backs to clothe; or his estate growing larger, if he lives suitably to it, he must keep more servants; and these, as they have but little work to do, are described by their eating, rather than by their working; and besides, such a growing man in the world has more friends and visitors that come about him, and eat with him, as well as the poor, which wait upon him to receive his alms: and if his farms, and his fields, and his flocks, are enlarged, he must have more husbandmen, and labourers, and shepherds to look after them, who all must be maintained. So Pheraulas in Xenophon F8 observes,

``that now he was possessed of much, that he neither ate, nor drank, nor slept the sweeter for it; what he got by his plenty was, that he had more committed to his keeping, and more to distribute to others; he had more care and more business, with trouble; for now, says he, many servants require food of me, many drink, many clothing, some need physicians it must needs be, adds he, that they that possess much must spend much on the gods, on friends, and on guests;''
and what good [is there] to the owners thereof, saving the beholding
[of them] with their eyes?
he can go into his grounds, his fields, and his meadows to behold his flocks and his herds, and can say, all these are mine; he can go into his chambers and open his treasures, and feed his eyes with looking upon his bags of gold and silver, his jewels, and other riches; he can behold a multitude of people at his table, eating at his expense, and more maintained at his cost: and, if a liberal man, it may be a pleasure to him; if otherwise, it will give him pain: and, excepting these, he enjoys no more than food and raiment; and often so it is, that even his very servants have in some things the advantage of him, as follows. The Targum is,
``what profit is there to the owner thereof who gathers it, unless he does good with it, that he may see the gift of the reward with his eyes in the world to come?''
Jarchi interprets it after this manner,
``when men bring many freewill offerings, the priests are increased that eat them; and what good is to the owner of them, the Lord, but the sight of his eyes, who says, and his will is done?''


F8 Cyropaedia, l. 8. c. 26.

Prediker 5:11 In-Context

9 Die het geld liefheeft, wordt van het geld niet zat; en wie den overvloed liefheeft, wordt van het inkomen niet zat. Dit is ook ijdelheid.
10 Waar het goed vermenigvuldigt, daar vermenigvuldigen ook die het eten; wat nuttigheid hebben dan de bezitters daarvan, dan het gezicht hunner ogen?
11 De slaap des arbeiders is zoet, hij hebbe weinig of veel gegeten; maar de zatheid des rijken laat hem niet slapen.
12 Er is een kwaad, dat krankheid aanbrengt, hetwelk ik zag onder de zon: rijkdom van zijn bezitters bewaard tot hun eigen kwaad.
13 Of de rijkdom zelf vergaat door een moeilijke bezigheid; en hij gewint een zoon, en er is niet met al in zijn hand.
The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.