Psalmen 105:5

5 Gedenkt Zijner wonderen, die Hij gedaan heeft, Zijner wondertekenen, en der oordelen Zijns monds.

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Psalmen 105:5 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 105:5

Remember his marvellous works which he hath done
Which Aben Ezra interprets of the works of creation; rather they seem to design the works of Providence in favour of the children of Israel: best of all, works of grace done for his saints, none of which are to be forgotten; especially the great work of redemption and salvation, for the remembrance of which, under the New Testament, an ordinance is particularly appointed.

His wonders, and the judgments of his mouth:
the above Jewish writer, by "wonders", understands the miracles in Egypt, the plagues inflicted on the Egyptians;

and by the judgments of his mouth,
the laws and statutes given at Sinai: each of which were indeed to be remembered: but "his wonders" may take in all the wonderful things done in Egypt and in the wilderness, and in settling the Israelites in the land of Canaan; and "his judgments" may also intend the judgments which he threatened to bring upon the enemies of Israel, and which he did bring upon them as he said. The wonders of his grace, of his law and Gospel, his judgments and his testimonies, are not to be forgotten.

Psalmen 105:5 In-Context

3 Roemt u in den Naam Zijner heiligheid; het hart dergenen, die den HEERE zoeken, verblijde zich.
4 Vraagt naar den HEERE en Zijn sterkte; zoekt Zijn aangezicht geduriglijk.
5 Gedenkt Zijner wonderen, die Hij gedaan heeft, Zijner wondertekenen, en der oordelen Zijns monds.
6 Gij zaad van Abraham, Zijn knecht, gij kinderen van Jakob, Zijn uitverkorene!
7 Hij is de HEERE, onze God; Zijn oordelen zijn over de gehele aarde.
The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.