Psalmen 119:113

113 Samech. Ik haat de kwade ranken, maar heb Uw wet lief.

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Psalmen 119:113 Meaning and Commentary

(o) , SAMECH.--The Fifteenth Part.

Psalms 119:113

SAMECH. I hate vain thoughts
Or thoughts: evil thoughts are undoubtedly meant, no other can be the object of hatred to a good man; they are such as are contrary to the law of God, and forbidden by it, mentioned in the next clause as the object of love, in opposition to these; and which are abominable to God, and defiling to men; should be forsaken, need pardon; and, if not pardoned, will be brought into judgment, and there exposed, and men punished for them. There are multitudes of these rise up in the minds of men, not only bad men, but good men; even sometimes atheistical blasphemous thoughts, as well as proud, haughty, revengeful, lustful, impure, and worldly ones; which, when observed by a good man, give him great concern and uneasiness, and raise a holy indignation in him against them. The word is used for the "opinions" of men; the ambiguous, doubtful, wavering, and inconstant sentiments of the mind, ( 1 Kings 18:21 ) , and is used of branches, or the tops of trees, waved with the wind to and fro: and may be applied to all heterodox opinions, human doctrines, damnable heresies; such as are inconsistent with the perfections of God, derogate from his grace, and from the person and offices of Christ; and are contrary to the word, and which are therefore rejected and abhorred by good men. The Targum is,

``I hate those who think vain thoughts;''

and so Jarchi and Aben Ezra interpret it of persons, thinkers, or devisers of evil things; and to this sense are the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and all the Oriental versions; and which is approved of by Gussetius F11; even free thinkers, such as devise things out of their own brains, and regard not the law, doctrine, or word of God;

but thy law do I love;
which forbids and condemns such vain and wicked thoughts, and requires pure and Holy Ones. Or, "thy doctrine"; which comes from God, is concerning him, and reveals his mind and will, his grace and love, to men; the doctrine of Christ, concerning his person, office, and work; the doctrine of the Scriptures, which contain the whole Gospel of Christ, as well as the law of God; the doctrine according to godliness, and which is good, sound, and wholesome, and to be received in the love of it.


F11 Ebr. Comment. p. 564.

Psalmen 119:113 In-Context

111 Ik heb Uw getuigenissen genomen tot een eeuwige erve, want zij zijn mijns harten vrolijkheid.
112 Ik heb mijn hart geneigd, om Uw inzettingen eeuwiglijk te doen, ten einde toe.
113 Samech. Ik haat de kwade ranken, maar heb Uw wet lief.
114 Gij zijt mijn Schuilplaats en mijn Schild; op Uw Woord heb ik gehoopt.
115 Wijkt van mij, gij boosdoeners! dat ik de geboden mijns Gods moge bewaren.
The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.