Psalmen 119:173

173 Laat Uw hand mij te hulp komen, want ik heb Uw bevelen verkoren.

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Psalmen 119:173 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 119:173

Let thine hand help me
Let thine hand of power help me against mine enemies, and deliver me from them; and let thine hand of providence and grace communicate to me, and supply me with and help me to everything needful for me, for body and soul; for time and eternity, all grace here, and glory hereafter; let thy right hand help me on in my way, hold and uphold me, keep and preserve me safe to heaven and happiness;

for I have chosen thy precepts;
not only the good part, which shall not be taken away, and the way of truth, ( Psalms 119:30 ) ; but even the commandments of God, which he preferred to the commandments of men, and choose rather to obey the one than the other; having a most ardent affection for them, an high esteem of them, and a strong attachment to them; see ( Psalms 119:127 Psalms 119:128 ) .

Psalmen 119:173 In-Context

171 Mijn lippen zullen Uw lof overvloediglijk uitstorten, als Gij mij Uw inzettingen zult geleerd hebben.
172 Mijn tong zal spraak houden van Uw rede, want al Uw geboden zijn rechtvaardigheid.
173 Laat Uw hand mij te hulp komen, want ik heb Uw bevelen verkoren.
174 O HEERE! ik verlang naar Uw heil, en Uw wet is al mijn vermaking.
175 Laat mijn ziel leven, en zij zal U loven, en laat Uw rechten mij helpen.
The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.