Psalmen 119:50

50 Dit is mijn troost in mijn ellende, want Uw toezegging heeft mij levend gemaakt.

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Psalmen 119:50 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 119:50

This [is] my comfort in my affliction
David had his afflictions, and so has every good man; none are without; it is the will and pleasure of God that so it should be; and many are their afflictions, inward and outward: the word of God is often their comfort under them, the written word, heard or read; and especially a word of promise, powerfully applied: this is putting underneath everlasting arms, and making their bed in sickness. This either respects what goes before, concerning the word of promise hoped in, or what follows: for thy word hath quickened me;
not only had been the means of quickening him when dead in am, as it often is the means of quickening dead sinners, being the savour of life unto life; but of reviving his drooping spirits, when in affliction and distress; and of quickening the graces of the Spirit of God in him, and him to the exercise of them, when they seemed ready to die; and to the fervent and diligent discharge of duty, when listless and backward to it.

Psalmen 119:50 In-Context

48 En ik zal mijn handen opheffen naar Uw geboden, die ik liefheb, en ik zal Uw inzettingen betrachten.
49 Zain. Gedenk des woords, tot Uw knecht gesproken, op hetwelk Gij mij hebt doen hopen.
50 Dit is mijn troost in mijn ellende, want Uw toezegging heeft mij levend gemaakt.
51 De hovaardigen hebben mij boven mate zeer bespot; nochtans ben ik van Uw wet niet geweken.
52 Ik heb gedacht, o HEERE! aan Uw oordelen van ouds aan, en heb mij getroost.
The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.