And Moses said, thou hast spoken well
Not that which was good, in a moral sense, for it was very wicked, but what would eventually prove true: I will see thy face again no more;
which may be understood either conditionally, except he was sent for, and he desired to see him, he would not come of himself; or absolutely knowing by a spirit of prophecy that he should be no more sent unto him, and that Pharaoh should in a little time be drowned in the Red sea, when he would be seen no more by him nor any other; for as for what is said in the following chapter, it is thought by many to have been said at this time, as it might even before he went out of the presence of Pharaoh, which in ( Exodus 11:8 ) he is said to do in anger: and as for Pharaoh's calling for him at midnight, and bidding him rise and begone, ( Exodus 12:31 ) it might be delivered by messengers, and so he be not seen by Moses and Aaron. By this speech of Moses, it appears he was not afraid of Pharaoh and his menaces, but rather taunts at him, and it is to this fearless disposition of Moses at this time that the apostle refers in ( Hebrews 11:27 ) .