And thou shall take this rod in thine hand Which he then had in his hand, and was no other than his shepherd's staff: wherewith thou shall do signs: wondrous things, meaning the ten plagues inflicted on Egypt.
And thou shalt speake vnto hi and put the wordes in his mouth, ad I wilbe with thy mouth ad with his mouth, ad will teach you what ye shal do.
And he shalbe thy spokesma vnto the people: he shall be thy mouth ad thou shalt be his God.
and take this rodd in thy hade, wherwith thou shalt do myracles.
And Moses went ad returned to Iethro his father in lawe agayne ad seyde vnto hi: let me goo (I praye the) ad turne agayne vnto my brethern which are in Egipte, that I may se whether they be yet alyue. And Iethro sayde to Moses: goo in peace.
And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses in Madia: returne agayne in to Egipte for they are dead which wet aboute to kyll the