Genesis 30:37

37 Iacob toke roddes of grene popular hasell and of chestnottrees and pilled whyte strakes in the and made the white apere in the staues:

Genesis 30:37 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 30:37

And Jacob took him rods of green poplar
Of the white poplar tree, called green, not from the colour, but from the moisture, being such as were cut off of the tree: and of the hazel and chestnut tree;
the former some take to be the almond tree, as Saadiah Gaon, and others; and the latter to be the plantain or plane tree, so Ainsworth, and others: and pilled white strakes in them;
took off the bark of them in some places, and left it on in others, which made white strakes: and made the white appear which [was] in the rods;
that part of the rods which was stripped of the bark appeared white; and it appeared the whiter for the bark that was left on in other parts; and both made the rods to appear to have various colours, which was the design of Jacob in pilling them.

Genesis 30:37 In-Context

35 And he toke out that same daye the he gootes that were partie and of dyuerse coloures and all the she gootes that were spotted and partie coloured and all that had whyte in the and all the blacke amonge the lambes: ad put the in the kepinge of his sonnes
36 and sett thre dayes ourney ibetwixte hiselfe and Iacob. And so Iacob kepte ye rest of Labas shepe.
37 Iacob toke roddes of grene popular hasell and of chestnottrees and pilled whyte strakes in the and made the white apere in the staues:
38 And he put the staues which he had pilled eue before ye shepe in the gutters and watrynge troughes whe the shepe came to drynke: yt they shulde coceaue whe they came to drynke.
39 And the shepe coceaued before the staues and brought forth straked spotted and partie.
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