Genesis 41:15

15 And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: I haue dreamed a dreame and no man ca interpretate it but I haue herde saye of the yt as soon as thou hearest a dreame thou dost interpretate it.

Genesis 41:15 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 41:15

And Pharaoh said unto Joseph
, Immediately, upon his being introduced to him: I have dreamed a dream, and [there] is none that can interpret it;
that he could yet meet with; none of his magicians or wise men, who made great pretensions to skill in such matters: and I have heard say of thee, [that] thou canst understand a dream to
interpret it;
it had been reported to him, particularly by the chief butler, that when he heard a dream told him, he had such knowledge and understanding, that he could interpret it, tell the meaning of it, what it portended, and what would be the events signified by it.

Genesis 41:15 In-Context

13 And as he declared them vnto vs euen so it came to passe. I was restored to myne office agayne and he was hanged.
14 Than Pharao sent and called Ioseph. And they made him haste out of preson. And he shaued him self and chaunged his rayment and went in to Pharao.
15 And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: I haue dreamed a dreame and no man ca interpretate it but I haue herde saye of the yt as soon as thou hearest a dreame thou dost interpretate it.
16 And Ioseph answered Pharao saynge: God shall geue Pharao an answere of peace without me.
17 Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: in my dreame me thought I stode by a ryvers syde and there came out of the ryver
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