James 1:20

20 For the wrath of man worketh not that which is ryghteous before God.

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James 1:20 Meaning and Commentary

James 1:20

For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
] This is so far from engaging persons to do that which is right and acceptable in the sight of God, that it puts them upon doing that which is evil. The Alexandrian copy reads, "with the wrath of men do not work the righteousness of God"; do not attend upon the word and ordinances of God with a wrathful spirit. Compare, with this, ( 1 Timothy 2:8 ) .

James 1:20 In-Context

18 Of his awne will begat he vs with the worde of lyfe that we shuld be the fyrst frutes of his creatures.
19 Wherfore deare brethren let every man be swyfte to heare slowe to speake and slowe to wrath.
20 For the wrath of man worketh not that which is ryghteous before God.
21 Wherfore laye a parte all fylthynes all superfluite of maliciousnes and receave with meknes the worde yt is grafted in you which is able to save youre soules.
22 And se that ye be doars of the worde and not hearers only deceavinge youre awne selves with sophistrie
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