John 15:11

11 These thinges have I spoken vnto you yt my ioye myght remayne in you and that youre ioye might be full.

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John 15:11 Meaning and Commentary

John 15:11

These things have I spoken unto you
Concerning the vine and branches, his abiding in them, and they in him, their fruitfulness from him, and perseverance in him, his love to them, and theirs to him:

that my joy might remain in you;
meaning either that joy with which he joyed in and over them, as united to him, and which is of the same nature as the joy of the bridegroom over the bride, and which will always remain and continue the same; or rather that joy which he is the author, object, ground, and matter of, for there is always reason to rejoice in him, even in the most afflictive circumstances of life:

and that your joy might be full;
that grace of joy which is implanted in the soul, by the Spirit of God in regeneration, and arises from, and is increased by discoveries of the person, grace, blood, righteousness, and sacrifice of Christ; and is "full of glory", ( 1 Peter 1:8 ) ; upon a clear sight of him in this life, and will be entirely full, completely perfected in the other world, when he will be seen as he is,

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John 15:11 In-Context

9 As the father hath loved me eve so have I leved you. Continue in my love.
10 Yf ye shall kepe my comaudemetes ye shall byde in my love eve as I have kept my fathers comaundementes and byde in his love.
11 These thinges have I spoken vnto you yt my ioye myght remayne in you and that youre ioye might be full.
12 This is my commaundement that ye love togedder as I have loved you.
13 Gretter love then this hath no man then that a man bestowe his lyfe for his frendes.
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