And the renaunt of the meatofferynge shalbe Aarons ad his sonnes, as a thinge most holye of the sacrifices of the Lorde.
Yf any ma bringe a meatoffrynge that is bake in the oue, let him brynge swete cakes of fine floure mingled with oyle, ad vnleuended wafers anoynted with oyle.
Yf thy meatoffrynge be baken in the fryenge pan, then it shalbe of swete floure mingled with oyle.
And thou shalt mynce it small, ad poure oyle thereon: ad so is it a meatoffrynge.
Yf thy meatofferynge be a thynge broyled vppon the greadyerne, of floure myngled with oyle it shalbe.