Luke 11:29

29 When the people were gadered thicke to geder: he began to saye. This is an evyll nacion: they seke a signe and ther shall no signe be geven them but the signe of Ionas the Prophet.

Luke 11:29 Meaning and Commentary

Luke 11:29

And when the people were gathered thick together
Upon this woman's lifting up her voice, and saying the things she did; or rather to see what sign he would give, which some had desired ( Luke 11:16 )

he began to say, this is an evil generation.
The Alexandrian copy, two copies of Beza's, and the Vulgate Latin, and Arabic versions read, "this generation is an evil generation"; and also it was an "adulterous one", as is added in ( Matthew 12:39 )

they seek a sign;
for they had asked one of him, ( Luke 11:16 )

and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the
prophet; one like unto it: (See Gill on Matthew 12:39)

Luke 11:29 In-Context

27 And it fortuned as he spake those thinges a certayne woman of the copany lyfte vp her voyce and sayde vnto him: Happy is the wombe that bare the and the pappes which gave the sucke.
28 But he sayde: Ye happy are they that heare the worde of God and kepe it.
29 When the people were gadered thicke to geder: he began to saye. This is an evyll nacion: they seke a signe and ther shall no signe be geven them but the signe of Ionas the Prophet.
30 For as Ionas was a signe to the Ninivites so shall ye sonne of ma be to this nacio.
31 The quene of the southe shall ryse at iudgement with the men of this generacio and condempne them: for she came fro the ende of the worlde to heare the wysdome of Salomon. And beholde a greater then Salomon is here.
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