Those that were numbered of them, [even] of the tribe of Reuben, [were] forty and six thousand and five hundred. 46,500 men. (See Gill on Numbers 1:20).
as the Lorde comaunded Moses eue so he numbred them in ye wildernesse of Sinai.
And the childern of Ruben Israels eldest sonne in their generacions kynredes ad houses of their fathers whe they were numbred euery man by name all that were males fro xx. yere and aboue as many as were able to goo forth in warre:
were numbred in the trybe off Ruben xlvi. thousande and fyue hundred.
Among the childern of Simeon: their generacion in their kynredes and housses of their fathers (when euery mans name was tolde) of all the males from .xx. yeres and aboue whatsoeuer was mete for the warre:
were numbred in the trybe of Simeon .lix. thousande and .iij. hundred.